
I grew my own wedding bouquet! (Zone 7A)

I grew my own wedding bouquet! (Zone 7A)

by HappyRibbons


  1. Useful-Support9571

    That’s lovely! Have an amazing wedding! 💕

  2. Moveyourbloominass

    Gorgeous!! Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials .

  3. barelyaboomer61

    May your marriage be as beautiful 😍 as your flowers.

  4. Cheddar_Marie1989

    Congrats on your wedding + your green thumb! Such a beautiful bouquet!!

  5. OrganicallyRose

    …and you did an incredible job! The textures and colors in this bouquet are sublime. I think I can identify everything in here with the exception of the twiggy looking ones that is extending furthest out of the bouquet. What is it?

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