
Found out after I paid for it, my plants at home have powdery mildew

Am I screwed? Just bought this baby

by Embarrassed-List1394


  1. oriolemillet

    Spectracide Immunox is the product that got rid of powdery mildew for me. I buy the concentrate on the Home Depot website.

    I tried sprays of copper fungicide, a Bacillus strain, and baking soda and none of those took care of the problem. It took full chemical warfare.

  2. sidhescreams

    Most of my begonias have powdery mildew right now, it’s been a misery. Copper fungicide has not been the solution, I’ve treated regularly for a month without nipping it in the bud. I just picked up and am going to try neem next.

    I’d like to point out that the begonias living in my plant cabinet and my rhizomatous begonias are
    all unaffected so far. It’s just murdering my canes and rexes. The plant cabinet is in the plant room, but apparently isn’t exchanging enough air with the rest of the room for the mildew spores to have infected anything in it.

  3. caeruleanx

    In Australia I’ve used trifend garden spray, it’s worked great and got rid of my powdery mildew. I just have a case of it popping up again with the change of season so it’s coming in handy again

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