

I just moved into a new house in January. Was out planting hostas a coworker gave me when I found these. I know next to nothing about anything greenery related, so any and all information would be greatly appreciated, please and thank you!!!

by No_Cat3166


  1. Treehorn79

    Congratulations on your new asparagus (and home)!

  2. dani_-_142

    It takes time to establish a bed of asparagus— you’re lucky!!

  3. duoschmeg

    Cut it now. Peel off the tough skin near the bottom. Toss in skillet with butter, salt and pepper.

  4. Additional-Spite-930

    I’m trying to wrap my head around someone not knowing this is asparagus, but failing

  5. UnderstandingWarm466

    You can “bleach” them by throwing a bucket over them. They’re a Dutch delicatcy

  6. Thin-Fish-1936

    Asparagus grows like someone’s trying to pull a prank on you

  7. Still_Horse881

    We are still harvesting a bed I planted with my father in 1973. Taken care of they can continue for a long time!

  8. uno_novaterra

    Tell me you don’t eat vegetables without telling me you don’t eat vegetables

    But in your defense I don’t think anyone expects asparagus to grow this weirdly far apart until they actually see it.

  9. WhereRweGoingnow

    Whaaaat??? My asparagus is on its 4th year in my garden and looks nothing like these beauties! Eat them up! Sautee in olive oil and garlic. Yum!

  10. forbiddenkajoodles

    ASPARAGUS 🥦🦞🥦🔥🦞💪🥦🔥❤️🥦🥦🤓❤️🥦❤️🥦

  11. TrhwWaya

    Wow, it takes years to establish edible asparagus and you just rolled up on it? Mulch that area, care for your expensive and delicious new friend.

  12. Tall-Ad-6346

    I want random asparagus in my yard 🥲 I love asparagus!

  13. gottagrablunch

    What’s amazing is how many people out there are this amazingly unaware.

  14. muffdiver5643

    don’t let it get to big, it gets woody/ stringy. makes it kind of a pain to eat. this being said, the tall one in the pic is all the bigger you want it to get. Then when your done eating it for the season you just let it grow. next spring boom here it is again

  15. gemcatcher

    I’m so jealous 🙁 I wish these would pop up in my garden unexpectedly. They should pop up every season and can last up to 10-20 years

  16. Gravity_Freak

    Theyre pee sticks. Eat em and you piss aroma.

  17. Responsible_Candy897

    I planted one plant last year and was worried that I killed it..I found some surprise asparagus growing!

  18. kingPrinceLOL

    …. asparagus????? Lol i didnt know they just grew like little trees….

  19. ChickenChemical6784

    I would harvest now. Just trim at the base. It’s a perrinial and will grow back year after year. Lucky you!

  20. therealwavingsnail

    Remove the grass around them, or replant them into their own space. Asparagus doesn’t like competition.

  21. mickeltee

    As we said when I was little, asper-grass.

  22. scraglor

    Asparagus grows like someone trying to prank you into thinking it grows like that

  23. i spy with my little eye some rogue asparagus. yummy treat for thee

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