African Violets

So ummm… what do I do now?

So, I’ve been trying to propagate this leaf for months (first time trying to propagate a AV) and it’s been doing well in the water, staying alive and all, but no roots and minimal rot, until today. I noticed the stem was rotting, and was going to toss the leaf since it seemed to be beyond saving, then saw this?! I’m kinda confused here… there’s no root system, unless it’s in the leaf. But I don’t know what to do now… anyone have a similar experience? Is this even normal???

by Plant-Crazy2539


  1. crisp_lettuce

    I don’t have any help to contribute but wanted to comment to say this is so odd and cool!

  2. Stunning_Prize_5353

    That is an interesting conundrum. I think I would use a very sharp tool to cut off the lower part of the leaf about 1/4-1/2 inch below where the leaflets are sprouting. Please note I am guessing the distance because I don’t have a clear idea as to how big the leaf is. Then plant it in moist soil, cut end down and soil coming just up to the leaflets. Bag it and set it under light and cross my fingers.

  3. nancyy604

    That’s interesting. Maybe cut above where the rot is. Make a little stem or cut straight across and put it in a bit of potting mix. If it lives, it lives.

  4. MarcoPolonia

    So, do you now plant the leaf upside down so the new plant is on top of the soil? That’s my best dunderhead guess. I’m following for the real answer. Good luck!

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