
In-law destroyed my privacy wall

Before and after are shown in the two photos (Please ignore the scarecrow and the dog).

How can I fix it please?

I'm thinking of growing some vines, like clematis or Virginia creeper or something, but not sure how it'll work out.

To put it in perspective, I was facing east when I took the photos.

by vancanadada


  1. KirkJimmy

    Holy shit. Why on earth?
    Please provide us the story. Omg. Nothing really pisses me off, but I would be pretty upset about this.

  2. Only-11780-Votes

    How exactly did this happen? Did you ask your in-laws to clear those trees or did you ask him to clean those trees up and he did this? Ask him to bury himself in the yard about 6 feet deep

  3. ScarletDrive92

    Kind of looks like it created more backyard space though.

  4. R_meowwy_welcome

    Had a house with privacy walls like that. I would have LOVED to do that. We had rats living in them.

  5. Garden_Espresso

    If only they had cut it to where it’s lower than the fence. Opening up the lower area while leaving the privacy from the lattice area on up.

  6. NewAlternative4738

    Omg your in law sucks as bad as mine!! She planted mint in a flower bed without even asking. Just showed up and did it. In laws have a stereotype for a reason 🙃

  7. DarwinIThink

    Was this one of those; I’m asking because a friend did this and needs help kind of situation?

    I agree that it makes all of that much more open feeling. But I can’t figure out how someone else would just randomly cut those without asking permission or any convo ahead of time. Meth?

  8. KermitMadMan

    that’s a major overstep on their part. what kind of narcissist hell are they living in?

    I feel for ya.

  9. NemoJones


    Which one of my brother-in-laws are you because only my FIL would pull something like this.

  10. thediabolical1

    Literal butcher. I’d be so pissed off.

  11. JesusOnline_89

    This reminds me of my house. I have a grove of trees similar to this in my backyard. Right after I bought the house (my 1st house) my dad and father in law came over to help
    Me clean up the very overgrown outside. I had to run to the store to grab more supplies, leaving my dad and father in law unsupervised. My dad is notorious for cutting down trees on his property so I had to specifically tell him that every branch still be attached and the tree still standing when I get back. lol. The memories.

  12. theoddfind

    Plant kudzu. Wait 2 days for privacy. Wait 3 days and you won’t be able to find your house.

  13. hvacfixer

    And that’s why I’m single and never married.

  14. sprocket-oil

    OMG! I would never invite them over again nor forgive them.

  15. JoeyBox1293

    How did they get THIS far before anyone said anything

  16. Unlucky-but-lit

    Start setting off mortar fireworks every night at 2am until the fence grows back. Tell em the fence served as a sound and light barrier

  17. vancanadada

    Holy moly, I don’t know that this post would blow up like this.

    So here’s the story: we live in Canada and invited in-laws from abroad over to spend some time with us. FIL said one of the branches might have grown into the side of the shed and could damage the shed, which honestly I couldn’t care any less. But for the sake of his mental health I didn’t stop him from cutting off a few branches that are near the shed. What could go wrong anyways?

    One day after work, I went to the backyard and found out that he chopped lots of branches, and it’s beyond any repair already.

  18. Ok-Lengthiness4557

    Do you need help hiding the body? /s.

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