
Rex not liking the report so far, anything I can do to help her?

I have had this beautiful Rex for a couple months now, and finally reported her. Turns out she was 4 smaller plants tangled, so I gently separated the rhizomes and roots, even had to rinse the dirt to help separate them.

I spread them out in the new shallow pot so they have room to spread as she was outgrowing her original pot.

The soil was already wet from bottom watering a day ago, and I mixed some of the original soil with new soil. I did not water after repotting since the soil was already wet and I don't want to overwater her.

Is there anything I can do to help her perk back up?

No changes to placement or light, just the repot!

by dinodigger30


  1. TheMapleSyrupMafia

    Yes. Be patient. Begonia Rexes can be fussy and a tad confusing to care for at times. Just be patient and let the plant get used to the new space.

    It’s droopy because it’s focusing and giving energy to the roots. They’ll explore just a bit in the new pot and once they’ve satiated their new quest to strengthen below the dirt, you’ll start to see your improvements in the foliage up top. It’s also droopy due to transplant shock as the fine roots are very sensitive and easily disturbed.

  2. LeafLove11

    They can be super sensitive to damage to the root system, which is almost inevitable if you separated the plants. Just let it be and it should recover.

  3. Short_Lengthiness_41

    I have the same species, I repotted mine it’s fine now and it was a youngster

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