Garden Plans

Starting a No Dig Garden – EP3 – More Compost & Plans

Work continues to get the new no dig garden expansion ready for planting as the new growing season comes into full swing.

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how we doing now Martin from gens for life and this is uh the day after and there’s more compost being spread here in our garden so we’re expanding our existing Garden here on this side over to this side so there’s a few videos in this series so check out the other ones too how we started off and taken the plastic off and how we’re going to plant it up as well in the near future so this is another day later and look at that what a great job the tractor did here at uh getting rid of the grass or at least flattening it let’s take a look over here to see how far we’ve gotten so far so this pile of compost here is untouched yet which is great we’re going to spread this pile in this area here and hopefully what we just saw back there uh will cover this area here I’d say it will there’s already been compost piles here previously in in years ago and I’m sure some of that fertility is still here certainly the worms are and take a look at this it’s pretty nice now all I have to do now is flatten out all this with a rig and it’ll take me an hour to do maybe another hour to get rid of the sod because the piles were overgrown and that’s going to be EXT ex work that’s a light one but sometimes it can be really difficult to pick those up what I’m going to do with these is just going to put them in a pile and then cover them with plastic for a year or half a year so we’ve already got a little bit of a pat here on the edge here towards the trees and the vegetation um just putting down plastic to stop the nettle Roots but also we’re putting down extra wood chips right here on the edge should help to suppress all the weeds that might come in from the Hedge cuz that’s been a big problem now probably the biggest problem in any of the gardens the Hedge keeps growing back it keeps um expanding you could call it weed pressure I guess but we’re using technology to our advantage such as plastic cardboard we certainly don’t use chemicals to suppress plants but uh we also use technology in the form of wood chips actually you like the new Garden yeah so we need a bit more compost on this side here then we can uh work away I’m kind probably going to have enough plants to plant this up uh nearly straight away it’s actually not as much ground as you as it looks as I thought it would be but when you once you start growing in it I’m sure you’ll notice it’s actually a good bit of ground maybe about 15 by 6 M or so something like the size of the greenhouse actually which is right here look at that ponia tree here it’s grown it’s growing it’s starting it’s going to have giant leaves this here hopefully flowers as well if any of you guys have palonia trees or Fox Glove trees in Ireland or UK please let me know and leave a comment so this is all that’s left to the wood chips now that was a giant pile of wood chips it was all up to here uh like like a couple of meters uh high or tall pile um yeah so now we’re going to just be dumping a little bit more compost here and then we’re going to turn all of that into a garden all so but we need a bit of cardboard for that and we’re hoping to get some of that soon this area here I can take the plastic off now and do the same thing we just dump a bit of compost and a bit of wood chip and we’re going to make a pad from here all right folks thanks for watching and we’ll see you the next time and if you’d like to support us you can go to our patreon page or you can uh have a look at at our events that are coming up or our online shop thanks a million see you bye-bye [Music]

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