
Guess the bane of my existence plant that this root mess is from.

Guess the bane of my existence plant that this root mess is from.

by Justryan95


  1. I had some in a pot and recently switched to another and the roots made a thin blanket liner, crazy!

  2. NeroBoBero

    The only thing I’ve met that can eradicate mint is my ex mother-in-law. She made mint tea and overgrazed it to death. Aside from annihilating mint, she was pretty cool.

  3. thecaledonianrose

    Could be worse, could be kudzu. That won’t even die in a fire.

  4. Maroonbg

    I’d say European nettles. Those stingy bastards are impossible to remove.

  5. SpinachSpinosaurus

    *laughs in stinging nettle and ivy*

  6. So, if I have mint in a pot, all controlled, and I want to kill it so I dont risk contaminating my environment, how would I do it?
    Contaminatig water sources ir ground dirt is not a major concern as it is potted and away from actual ground.

  7. SlyDiorDickensCider

    I have planted mint around ten times and I still have zero mint. Did I somehow buy a house in the Bermuda Triangle of mint??

  8. patchouli is in the mint family…. is it hardy like this too? I’d love it to take over my back yard

  9. Drinks_From_Firehose

    I’m a lazy gardener so anything that tends to its self is good on me, mint, alliums, and other volunteers… I don’t mind digging it out here and there to make room for a few tomatoes and chiles in my backyard garden. I’d rather not plant it on the far outside of containers though.

  10. No_Substance5930

    Mint. I regret planting mine as free growing

  11. egretwtheadofmeercat

    I love my pycnanthemum muticum!

  12. geogurlie

    I keep mint around my chicken coop. They keep it lined at the fence. And I rip it out the ground for a smelly good treat. 🏆mint

  13. ConsciousMuscle6558

    I wish mint would take over my lawn.

  14. Different_Network702

    On the bright side, I love where my mint is growing into my lawn from the beds I am growing it in. Makes my yard smell amazing every time I cut the grass.

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