Horticulture Terrariums

My first terrarium

I think I may have used more substrate than was necessary and I still want to add some selaginella uncinata, but all-in-all I’m really proud of it.

Plants used: asparagus fern, bolbitis difformis, anubius nana petite, peperomia verticillata, oak leaf creeping fig and two different types of moss that I found in my garden…I have no idea what they are

by Sinister_Minister101


  1. Sinister_Minister101

    Created: 12/05/24

    Plants used: asparagus fern, bolbitis difformis, anubius nana petite, peperomia verticillata, oak leaf creeping fig, two unknown garden mosses

    Substrate: mix of coco coir, worm castings, molar clay, horticultural charcoal, leaf litter on top of a charcoal layer and a leca drainage layer

    Will be closed terrarium with cork lid

  2. SherlockHolmes242424

    This is really good. Is it opened or closed?

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