
What are these structures on the tips of my juvenile stone pine and what are they there for?

What are these structures on the tips of my juvenile stone pine and what are they there for?

by YouSmellLikeGingko


  1. CodyRebel

    Those are the new growth, also called a terminal bud. Without them the branches and tips couldn’t grow.

  2. evapotranspire

    It’s just the tip of a vegetative shoot, containing leaf primordia (well, needle primordia). It can look confusingly similar to young female or male cones, but it’s not a reproductive structure. If you watch it closely, you’ll see how it transforms over time.

  3. BethanyEsco444

    The terminal bud I think but also could be wrong

  4. Internal-Test-8015

    The new growth often referred to as a candle.

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