Carnivorous Plants

Does this setup look ok? Details inside

I got these guys about a month ago, and am wondering if they look like they're still doing ok?
I went with a dedicated grow light because I'm not convinced my flat gets enough sunlight for them without it. It's on for 8 hours a day in the position seen in the pic.
I'm watering with distilled water, and the VFT pot has a little well at the bottom which I'm keeping filled with water so its feet stay wet (and it absorbs up of course).
My flat is around 40-50% humidity and usually between 22-24 degrees. Not much I can do about that, but I do have a cloche to help with humidity that I'll probably start throwing on occasionally (but right now it's over my seedlings)

by Rednblack99

1 Comment

  1. TheAdcKiller

    I’m not familiar with Nepenthes but when it comes to the vft it’s safe to say that it would do a lot better with more light.Your traps are green + your plant is growing slower than It would do normally. If possible give it more light

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