Lawn Care

Sharing My Lawn Journey: Renovation to Shade Seed Experiments!

Hey everyone,

bought my own place 4 years ago and dove right into the world of lawn care. Here's how it went down:

1) Year one, I went all out – completely renovated the lawn from scratch.

2) Got experimental in year two. Split the yard into four sections to test different grass seeds' performance in the shade. My place barely gets any sunlight, like 1-2 hours tops.

3) Years two to four, it was all about fine-tuning. Worked on soil improvements and kept reseeding with the best-performing seed for shady spots test. Outsidepride seed

4) Huge shoutout to poa suprina – that grass is a game-changer in the shade!

5) Oh, and here's an interesting find – Sunday fertilizer might just be the secret weapon. Seems to be doing wonders.

That's the scoop on my lawn journey. Any fellow homeowners with tips or tricks to share? Let's swap stories!"

by Brilliant_Spite199

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