Lawn Care

I fertilize 3-4 times a year and still always get this shit anyway. What’s going on?

I fertilize 3-4 times a year and still always get this shit anyway. What’s going on?

by Yamjna


  1. thedog420

    A pulled back picture would be helpful. Looks initially like fungus though.

  2. Global-Hope9214

    Question – have you gotten a lot of rain lately?

  3. CurveAdministrative3

    Too much fertilize. Do less, be one with the grass

  4. Might be a spike protein from the Covid vax lol


    Fungus from the grass being too long and not able to dry. Cut more often so that the grass is better able to dry

  6. Still_Temperature_57

    Fungus. Cut back on the water and fertilizer.

    Get a funguside like headway g and apply at curative rate.

  7. DirtDiver1983

    If you’re using Milorganite, don’t.

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