
First larger aquarium in about 15 yrs, hoping to plant my first paludarium.

First larger aquarium in about 15 yrs, hoping to plant my first paludarium.

by kbrede0824

1 Comment

  1. kbrede0824

    16 gallon freshwater paludarium, hoping to get some tips on keeping the basics like monstera, pothos and basic submerged plants but also hoping to get some suggestions for low soil/high humidity/open top plants for the land sections. I’ve been doing research for the last few months but I’m a little overwhelmed and distrusting of random Google searches for random plants that might not do well in this environment. I tried raising the land section up w lava rock and pebbles but I’m not sure putting soil on top will do very well for keeping the water away without adding some springtails (since it’s open top I’m not sure I want a culture of bugs in my apartment). But if anyone has suggestions or ideas I’m open to all. Thanks!

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