What's this plant

What kind of peony is this? (If it even is one?)

I found this peony in my garden blooming among a few others. I didn’t plant them and I was curious to know what kind it is, it’s not a usual pale pink. I hadn’t noticed them at all, was almost as if they popped up overnight!

by keiradesu

1 Comment

  1. gooberfaced

    Yes- it’s a full double peony and they come in many colors.
    If you are asking what is the cultivar- well, there are too many to narrow down easily.
    Feel free to browse the [Peony Society cultivar registry](https://americanpeonysociety.org/cultivars/peony-registry/) to see if you can figure it out yourself.

    Or you could go with probabilities- the most common double red is [‘Rubra’ or ‘Rubra Plena.’](https://americanpeonysociety.org/cultivars/peony-registry/rubra/)

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