
Styling question

This maple I found has a really irregular trunk shape. Any tips on how to style it and work around the trunk?

by Jackie1376


  1. Awkward-Arugula-3173

    Is the trunk stiff? Looks pretty young still so if the trunk is flexible you could wire the trunk to a more desirable shape.

  2. binboukusogaki

    I mean just bend it with wire. What is the problem?

  3. CoryLover4

    You can only wire it, really it has too little foliage to ready up

  4. Personally, I would concentrate on growth and wait at least another 2 or 3 years before even considering any styling

  5. angrycarrot64

    I’d suggest letting the trunk thicker I little more and decide what shape you want out of it or style.

  6. Genericname90001

    Wire it or let it grow for a few years and chop it to get some movement.

  7. badlad53

    The trunk shape isn’t very irregular at all. As it grows, which it needs to do, it’ll appear more and more perfectly straight. If you wish to add more movement, do so now. Wire it up and shape it.

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