Carnivorous Plants

What to do if rainwater is slightly tinted?

Hello everyone!! I collect my water for my 2 nepenthes. Today I noticed my collected water also collected a bunch of leaves and botanicals from our poplar trees (y'know those tiny, annoying oval things which are SO sticky and leave greenish stains? Yes, those).

So what should I do? I don't wanna feed poplar-droppings-water to my plants, because I worry that's too much nutrition.

I filter my water with coffee filters. Should I run them through more filters a few times?

Thanks in advance!! ❤️

by Salt_Ad_5578


  1. AaaaNinja

    The water is fine. Diatoms can cause water to turn that color and they’re harmless. Plants decay and drop leaves in bogs where the carnivorous plants grow too. The nutrient contamination you’re worried about comes from geology (limestone, calcium, over which bogs cannot form), and phosphorus and nitrogen come from manure and decaying bodies. Like if a bog was drained and turned into farmland for raising cattle and then after that mined for peat. Your water hasn’t been exposed to any of those things.

  2. LeafLove11

    My rain barrel water is extremely yellow at the moment (pollen.) Looks nasty, kind of like pee, but I don’t think the plants mind at all.

  3. ravedawwg

    Might be your coffee fillers too, if you have brown ones. Agree with Kristin though, use a TDS meter if you’re really worried

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