
Is this what I think it is?

Is this what I think it is?

by ChildishForLife


  1. SashaSexyFeet

    That is some good old fashioned P – O – T

  2. ackwards

    It could be a vine maple, but obviously we all hope it’s not 🤞

  3. Initial-Tower2509

    The ol’ Whacky Tobacky alright..

  4. Conspicuous_Calico

    The same thing keeps happening to me. My bf is so confused how the seeds got into the soil/compost

  5. At least two more weeks until it’s ready to harvest.

  6. Drinks_From_Firehose

    That depends, do you think it’s a ham sandwhich?

  7. stayrealgleeful

    There may be two unless something else is planted in there, zooming in I see a little sprout kind of to the right of the established plant. A little bit underneath the biggest rock to the right of the plant.

  8. Ok-Rabbit-3683

    If you recognize it, you dealt it lol

  9. f8Negative

    Prob not. Bet it ends up purple. My father accused me once of trying to grow pot and then after a few weeks realized he was mistaken.

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