What's this plant

What is this plant? It smells amazing, northern Illinois

What is this plant? It smells amazing, northern Illinois

by dorapejacevic


  1. bluish1997


    In the Olive and ash family Oleaceae

  2. suejaymostly

    There’s white ones too, and white ones with composite blossoms! If you cut them for your home, smash the woody end at they can take up water.

  3. NotBadSinger514

    They are one of the most amazing smelling flowers out there, to me. Lilacs come in white, pink, purple and slightly blue. They all smell similar but slightly different. They are also edible.

  4. secondCupOfTheDay

    Lilacs are easy to propagate. Neighbours were always pulling out shoots and giving them away. They root pretty well.

  5. scoutsadie

    this looks like a dwarf korean lilac. I have a variety called “little kim.” they are also smelling amazing right now!

  6. Those tiny, skinny flowers look like they may be ‘Miss Kim’, (Syringa pubescens subsp. patula ‘Miss Kim’), which does *not* smell like heavenly French lilac (Syringa vulgaris). I have two that came with my house, and to me, they are old lady perfume stinky, and very overpowering. I’ve so far been too lazy to dig them up and find something else that would survive with the absolutely zero care they get no matter how dry the summer, but if you’re ever in So IL, bring a shovel and they’re yours! 😄

  7. seandelevan

    When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d….

  8. Lucky-Refrigerator-4

    In the country, you can often find old homestead privy sites by looking for lilac bushes, as they were planted for their fragrance

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