Gardening Australia

Unwanted mushrooms

Can anyone advise what the mushrooms are please? And what would be the best product for getting rid of them all?
I'd rather not have my dog hallucinating!

by tartanChief4991


  1. lestatisalive

    Why would you get rid of them? Fungi and mycelium are excellent for your soil. You don’t get rid of good stuff.

  2. Subject-Creative

    Not sure what type of mushrooms you have, but they’re a sign of a healthy substrate. If you’re concerned about them being ingested you could just snap them off and throw them out (or put them somewhere out of reach so they still have a chance to spread spores).

  3. Pauly4655

    These are the building blocks for healthy soil just let them be and they shrivel up in a few days and go back to The ground,what sort of dog do you have that eats mushrooms

  4. Hot-Refrigerator-623

    I pluck them out and add to the compost

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