
Why is my tree growing upside down?

This tree has never really grown right. For a couple years, leaves would only grow on half of it and not even the sunny side. We looked it up and from what we could gather, it was likely a fungus causing it. So at the end of last summer, we had someone trim it back hoping to get rid of the infected branches. However, now only branches and leaves are growing out of the bottom?? Does anyone know why?

by UrLifelessFriend


  1. drasticapathy

    Looks like the bulk of the tree has gotten sick or died away, but newer branches down below are trying to bring on a comeback

  2. FoggyGoodwin

    I don’t “know” trees, but those of mine that have done this usually had different root stock which is trying to grow since the top is virtually gone (cut them off, they are root suckers). The tree might recover if you get rid of the root suckers – I see some leaves trying to come out higher up. I don’t know what to do for a sick tree.

  3. Beneficial-Rock-4989

    Looks like the top has died and you are seeing sprouts growing from the base.

  4. dizziefrizzie

    The tree is dying. Those are water sprouts. Each with weak attachments and prone to failure in the future.

    Better to remove and plant something different

  5. blauerblumentopf

    Your tree realized growing up sucks and became a child again.

    On a more serious note, Looks Like the upper half died but there is still life in your tree

  6. CypripediumGuttatum

    The top is dead, you can cut it off since it is no longer alive. Select one of the bottom sprouts to keep and remove the rest so the energy goes into that one sprout and it will grow into a tree again (if left alone it will be a multistemmed tree).

  7. Jealous_Tie_8404

    You topped off your tree which weakens it significantly if not killing it. This is a young tree so cutting off its main lead is extra damaging.

    The roots are still alive and shooting up new growth.

    In the future never top off your trees unless you’re trying to kill them.

  8. dasWibbenator

    By chance was this tree ever red or have leaves that used to be different? I’m wondering if you had a grafted Japanese Maple and now the area below the graft is taking over.

  9. SuggestionSea8057

    Obviously, you live in Australia, so everything is upside down, mate.

  10. Recycledineffigy

    Ti’s a hydra. Cut off one head, two more shall sprout in its place

  11. Wheat_Buschel_7101

    Whoever pruned this tree by cutting his top out did a very shitty job. That’s the reason it starts at the bottom again.

  12. MakinALottaThings

    Was it a grafted tree? Might be shooting from roots or graft and could have robbed the top of energy. Top is dead.

  13. alderhill

    It’s from an Australian seed, obviously.

  14. urnbabyurn

    It’s an Australian tree. Trying to get back home.

  15. AZ_Gretchen

    What in the Stranger Things is this? Looks like it belongs in The Upside Down

  16. deer-eater

    Most of the time, when I see this, it’s from a bug that gives the tree a disease. The only thing you can do is spend the money to prolong the life but better off just removing it

  17. Turf_Taurus7531

    All your guys’s comments are so hilarious! But yes, it’s all sucker growth. Roots are still alive but main parent is deceased. Trying to put off sucker growth.

  18. Turf_Taurus7531

    You can also see to what extent of the parent is deceased. Just take your fingernail or a small pocket knife and scratch the bark to see if any green is underneath. Once you find dead, cut about an inch or two above that and New growth should start coming up to the new top of your tree if wanted.

  19. Turf_Taurus7531

    You would have to also cut most of the sucker growth away for that to happen. For all y’all plant nerds out there make sure I have everything correct.

  20. InternationalYam3130

    If there was fungus, it has killed the entire tree above the ground. Now new sprouts are coming from the roots. This will be the last chance to save it, if possible at all. The main stem is definitely dead from this picture

  21. Brief-Jellyfish485

    This happened to my lemon tree 😂 

  22. Ekalaracha

    This is what computer science means by a Tree.

  23. All of the nutes are being used to grow the foliage at the base, which are called suckers. Remove them and see if the top gets any growth imho.

  24. WritPositWrit

    LOL your tree died and new saplings are growing from the root stock.

    Was it a fancy hybrid tree? Whatever is coming up now will be a very basic sturdy type, not fancy. So if you wanted special leaf color or something, you won’t get it. If you just wanted “a tree” then you can select the healthiest sapling and encourage it – prune the others away.

  25. truepip66

    it may have been a grafted maple ,the top part has died and now the bottom part (rootstock) is taking over

  26. rightMeow20

    Can you explain to us why or how it got topped like that ?

  27. drainodan55

    So someone lopped and off the main truck and left all the suckers.

  28. ContemplatingPrison

    Lol you literally chopped off top of the trunk. What you expect was going to happen?

  29. Unfocused_Inc

    Top was pruned, struggled on for a bit and died off and root stock sent up new growth. It may be ok but I would absolutely think about removing.

  30. redbird317

    Shouldn’t have used booze in place of water. I’ll sober up after awhile

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