Garden Plans

Garden Design For A Narrow Area: Keep It Low

Can you visualize it? There could also be some shrubs along the fence. (My current obsession is oakleaf hydrangeas and mountain laurels.)

Ideas for shade perennials (native to many parts of North America): heuchera (coral bells), ferns, false solomon seal, wild ginger, foamflower, fringe bleeding hearts, columbines, hellebores, fragrant sweetbox, wood asters, blue lobelia, bloodroot, spotted cranesbill, wood phlox, bellwort. The list goes on. A couple of non-natives: astilbes, brunnera and hostas. Why native? They do better because they’re meant to be there and they contribute to the biodiversity on our properties and affect the ecology there and beyond. I’m trying to plant more in my yard and many of my clients are asking for recommendations. This varies by location so you can research this for specific plants where you live.

Use the same approach if you have a sunny narrow area. Suggestions welcome.

Video done by Alik

About me: I’m a garden coach and consultant in zone 6 in the Boston area but almost all of the principles I talk about are applicable to any garden. Go here to schedule consultations, download pruning guides and more: Website:


so if you vary this but keep it low I think this area wants to be low if you vary the heights think about the foliage together the different types of foliage the colors all throughout as you walk through it’s just could be covered with Gorgeous shade loving perennials all right so perennials perennials all the way through

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