
How I let my husband know something’s not a weed

How I let my husband know something’s not a weed

by AndiibnA


  1. RedWillia

    Making a firepit for the BBQ? Husbands are known for their BBQs…

  2. Kind_Question_271

    Ah that’s smart! I’ll have to keep this in mind. We recently moved to a new state and yesterday I found these cute pink buttercups in our yard. Meant to ask my husband not to mow them but forgot. Today I figured they’d be gone but he pointed at them and said “Oh I mowed around those because they’re cute.”

  3. Nopaperstraws

    This is how we keep our big dog from digging up what’s planted too.

  4. TheMightyYule

    Lol, I do this for my lawn people (I rent and my landlord loves my garden/gives me free reign in that sense but there’s still normal lawn maintenance that comes out)

  5. Sallydog24

    I broke my ankle last spring so my wife stepped up to the plate and did the gardening, mulching and such. God bless her but she pulled stuff up that wasn’t weeds all the time.

  6. Beneficial-Rock-4989

    Hmmm… I do the same…for my wife.

  7. sendmeyourcactuspics

    Better get that morning glory protected!

  8. Plsbekind2

    Lol exact same. If it’s flowering, it’s safe. Otherwise he thinks it’s a weed and it gets pulled.

  9. takemeup-castmeaway

    I literally guffawed. My beloved partner thought died back echinacea were weeds and yoinked them up roots and all. He was so proud of cleaning my garden beds I couldn’t even be upset. Pure golden retriever energy. (He’s the cook in our family and a darn good one too. I’ve had my share of oops in the kitchen so he has IOUs galore lol.) 

    Fairy ring of rocks to protect plants from spouses is a marvelous idea! 

  10. janisthorn2

    This is my method, too! It works so well. One look at it and it’s obvious that someone went to the effort because they wanted that plant growing in that spot.

    I also label the crap out of everything. My husband had the nerve to tease me last year about labeling my very obvious sunflowers. Well, you mowed them down at least 3 years in a row, so I took desperate measures! 😂

    I never get bothered if plants get pulled, though. My husband is being helpful by weeding the garden. Why on earth would I get upset if he makes a little mistake?

  11. jingleheimerstick

    My yard looks like a witch lives there. I’ve got little stick and stones arranged all around my plants. My husband gets weed eater happy.

  12. SeattleBasedENT

    I use chicken fence wire cut into a circle and partially buried to keep it in place. Stops all the critters. 

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