What's this plant

Poison ivy or oak?

Poison ivy or oak?

by Wendigo_Herder


  1. brynnors

    Neither. Virginia creeper (*Parthenocissus quinquefolia*). Can still cause rashes.

  2. AlternativeResort477

    Virginia creeper my dude, harmless

  3. CharlesV_

    Virginia creeper can still cause rashes in some poeple, but it’s mostly harmless for many. It’s also a great native plant for birds in North America.

  4. Specialist_Status120

    Yep I’m sensitive to Virginia creeper. Battling some right now in my yard between a cement porch and house. Long pants long sleeves gloves. When I’m done I take a shower. Same way I handle poison ivy if I don’t I’m covered with these little red bumps that itch.

  5. CasualBevs

    Been wondering what this was! Thanks for posting

  6. DEdwardPossum

    On the positive side, it can turn a really nice red in the fall and provides habitat for insects. Never experienced a rash.

  7. bibliophile785

    Does Virginia creeper damage the trees it climbs to grow? I’ve got pretty aggressive growth up a couple of trees in my patch of woods. The creeper is pretty enough, but it doesn’t grow edible berries…

  8. Ok_Tea_1954

    No. I y but not poison. Poison Ivy has three leaves

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