Succulent Plants

What succulents would you plant in this that will look cool as they grow up?

Thanks for your input! Early birthday present. I'm excited to get some dirt and start planting some friends in there. There is a drainage hole yay. 🙂

by rhyno83


  1. Sedum, crassula pyramidalis, crassula perforata, haworthia reinwardtii

  2. oblivious_fireball

    keep in mind, whatever you plant in there is not comin out without a chop and prop.

    with that said, i think sedums are a good choice for this one. There are a ton of cool varieties available with very different looking forms and colors, so they would make great use of the different sections. Maybe Tokyo Sun for the bottom as a grass/moss, Blue Spruce sedum or sedum angelina for the top as a “forest”, and then perhaps sedum minor or tricolor or lilac mound or whatever catches your eye for the final section

  3. North-Childhood4268

    Ooh, not a succulent but I would put Irish moss in there. Maybe a teeny tiny jade plant to look like a stylized tree?

  4. cheese_touch_mcghee

    Another thing to keep in mind is where you plan on keeping it …

    Outdoors or indoors
    Sun or shade or filtered light

    These, and the associated factors, e.g., wind (that’ll dry the soil) or still indoor air (that’ll allow the soil to stay moist longer) all need consideration to figure out what your options could be.

  5. Gwenhyfar777

    Absolutely sedum and maybe some Haworthia retusa. Or Haworthia obtusa can be found in some blue shades that would look like waves if you wanted a water look.

  6. the70sartist

    Where did you buy this!!! It’s so pretty 😍

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