Indoor Garden

Anyone know how to remove these without ripping that paint off the wall?

None of the Amazon reviews mentioned that these things stick like mortar. It's 3m tape on the back, but doesn't seem to be the easily removed stuff that's on Command Hooks. Do yourself a favor if you buy these, test a spot first. I did not and have a plethora all over my walls.

by Whowouldvethought


  1. untamedeuphoria

    Buy the command strip branded ones next time. Normally there’s a pubb tab. But in the absense of that, I would use a heat gun and isopropyll alcohol (not at the same time for obvious reasons). Alternating between then and twisting the glue will fatigue and disolve the glue and release it. Assuming the paint isn’t too shit you should be able to remove it without issues.

    Aside from that… a sharp knife and a stead hand?..

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