What's this plant

Last person didn’t clean out the community plot I’ve inherited. What is my bonus mystery plant?

I assume this kale? But thought I should double-check because I'm not very familiar with it.

by missunderstood888


  1. missunderstood888

    P.s. this is Zone 5b, it it helps!

  2. occasionalgoodidea

    I grew broccoli raab last year that looked similar to this!

  3. QueenArtie

    I second kale! I left some overwinter on accident and it’s doing the same thing. I’m letting mine go to seed so I can plant more for free 😬

  4. Vast-Combination4046

    Bolted kale. Cut it as low as possible and plant around it.

  5. JuWoolfie

    Kale, the leaves and flowers are edible

    Also! That is the healthiest Kale I have seen, it looks delicious

  6. funny_jaja

    Could it be wild cabbage, that is the origin of like all these vegetables we eat?

  7. aquanetta1463

    Flowerin kale! It’s delicious sautéed in olive oil and garlic!

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