Garden Plans

Quick PSA. Did I Buy The Clay Pots? Did I Remove The Forsythia? 🌼

Garden bench

Kate at Hello garden channel

Watering wand

Slug and bug

Beneficial bugs

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I wanted to come on here before we get into the actual Q&A and put this message in I’m out here working in the garden getting ready to film videos for the week there’s just been something that’s really been bothering me that I wanted to chat about I’m okay and this message is going to a very small percentage of people I just have been getting more and more like snide and backwards comments and um I just kind of wanted to address it and bring it up because it’s starting to wear on me a little bit which is crazy because comments like that usually don’t wear on me I get a lot of comments about my grammar because I say things wrong or I can’t spell or I can’t read and so now I jokingly bring it up and I just say I can’t say things correctly um try to make a joke out of it and I try to make a joke out of the rooster you guys cuz it’s always there and if I don’t say something about the rooster people are going to be mean in the comments about me having a rooster and now anytime I hear it in any video I just tried one time to make a little joke just because I don’t want to deal with the like r comments and the meanness of it and same thing goes for me not being able to spell and read I mean I I had a terrible education growing up so I can’t read I can’t spell I’m totally illiterate and I try to make jokes about it but I have been getting people going out of their way to shoot me emails and direct message me on other social platforms and just saying kind of backwards comments and this is me putting it out there that I just don’t appreciate it I didn’t come to you for a grammar lesson I I don’t care I mispronounce things I’m here to share my passion for gardening and if you understood what I meant when I said a certain word or a certain plant it was understood you got it you figured it out you don’t need to correct me you don’t need to come in and tell me how I’m doing things wrong or how I just need to start pronouncing things correctly I had some lady one time who um she she was very rude in the way that she corrected my grammar and I snapped back at her and she replied with well you share your passion for gardening I’m sharing my passion for grammar well that is fine and dandy you do that on your channel I did not come to you I didn’t ask you to share your passion for grammar on my Channel I didn’t ask for your advice you share it I didn’t come to your channel and start telling you all the things that you’re doing wrong in your garden it’s unnecessary it’s unwanted your emails will just get moved to the trash I won’t respond to you this is probably not the channel for you if that’s your biggest concern I don’t say things correctly not on purpose I just I don’t know I just don’t so let’s get into the Q&A because this is already too long let’s get into it hey guys how’s it going it is a rainy wet day here but it’s fine we’re outside we’re undercover and I’m in the new chairs so it’s worth it to be out here um and I just needed to get out of the house it was a good week it was a very busy week on the property it’s wet you guys probably can hear the rain sorry if there’s like if it’s sounds like static it’s not static it’s the rain um I was going to do it inside but we have such poor lighting inside our house uh that there’s just no possible way that I would be able to film it would look so grainy and just not good so we’re outside and I’m under a blanket so it’s perfect the cushions a little wet so my butt’s a little wet but it’s fine we had such a busy week last week I’m using the iPad this week um we had eight videos that went out because we did seven normal videos and then we had also Gone live on Friday night and that was so much fun I think that Jaylen is going to come up and we’re going to do like just craft projects on lives every once in a while it was totally unplanned the live um it’s still it’s public so you can go watch it but it’s not you know you’re not able to watch it live um but we had so much fun with the comments we had to deal with a couple like spammy people some trolls and so we had uh Brent jump on towards the end and he was like moderating some comments which was fine uh now we know what to do different we’ll have somebody moderating from the very beginning but Jaylen I think is going to come up at like minimum once a month because that was so much fun I think she wants she wants to come up more than that and do live videos we’ll see what happens we’ll see what there’s time for I’m not going to pull any questions from that just because it was just like I answered questions in the live as I saw them coming in so let’s get into it we did the last week’s Q&A why can’t I say plant names right we did plant shopping at highand then we did garden bed cleanup and planting super cows um we did two garden tours one that I filmed and one that Brent had filmed and then we did the planter for the shade and so much color finishing the edging in one of the beds very very busy week it was good though um and the filming the garden towards was really nice to know which style you guys prefer there was a lot of comments on the one Brent did that said that you guys preferred that the way that Brent filmed it but the analytics showed otherwise so I think from now on going forward we’ll just do garden tours where I’m holding the camera and I’m filming it I’ll have Brent come hold it at the very beginning when I’m chatting with you guys but then I will take over the camera and I’ll take you guys through the garden just because that’s what it showed was liked and not liked so uh let’s get into the questions I’m I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet this week because it’s raining let’s get into it the very first video that we did was last week’s Q&A and the first question on that video was from a friend and they had said hi Robbie I was noodles about the little window rack so much fun watching you where is the Dez deona excited to see your garden design this year desz deona she is in the driveway she’s in a terra cotta pot right now she’s doing great uh she didn’t get enough water this winter so she didn’t like take off as well as we’ like but now she’s got water she’s on irrigation she’s doing totally fine now so she is one of our favorite roses the fragrance is really really nice on that one and then she’s like a creamy color with like little hints of pink that come through on random petals it’s really really pretty the next question on that video is from Lori and she had said I like the hydranges I think they’re beautiful Robbie did you name your dog Freya from Vampire Diaries uh Jaylen would have loved that Vampire Diaries is one of her favorite shows but no Brent named her from a show called Witches of East End so that’s how she got her name was from basically the same thing witches vampires all of that so Brent chose the name the next question on that video is from Julia and she had said if you get a fair amount of acreage and want trees what about an orchard I know you like the espalier trees but what about an orchard when the trees blooming would be so beautiful and you get fruit we definitely will be doing if we get property um the plan I think for a property like at minimum we would want like 5 Acres 10 acres would be fabulous and anything more than that would be amazing we would want to Garden like landscape like this on about an acre of property at probably most after that it would get a little too much um and there just there really wouldn’t be enough time in the day to take care of all of that so one acre of property to garden and then I would like maybe like half an acre of like vegetables or something like that um just to be able to kind of throw things out I’m not super big into vegetables but if I had the space I might as well grow a ton of vegetables and then you know maybe like a half acre an acre of an orchard or something like that do all different kinds of fruits I think that would be amazing and then a couple acres of animals and wooded areas so realistically if we move and we move to a ton of property I hope you guys know that it’s still going to be super realistic because we’re only going to be like landscape gardening on like an acre at most after that I think that that would be a little too much property to like landscape so I hope that elaborates a little bit for you guys the next question on that video was from star of love and they had said love you Robbie are you going to plant on the arbor we planted on the arbor last Springtime we did the uh patunas that I have right down here you can’t even see them um I’m not going to be doing that again just because I would need something that has like a super massive soil Reservoir they just they filled that soil reservoir way too quickly and I would want something that’s going to make big impact up there and so I don’t know what I could put up there that doesn’t need an extensive amount of like room to have its roots spread out so no unfortunately um and it was kind of a pain to fertilize it was so pretty when it was growing in but the second that um it like stopped getting fertilized and that the roots totally filled that container out it just stunted its growth completely to a halt so no but I am going to grow the rose that we have up there the eating climber I’m going to grow it to be trained over that and I think that that’ll be really pretty the next question on the video is from dear Lambert Dean hi Deana um and she had said hi Robbie I would love to try chatus from Monrovia thank you and I enjoy spending my lunch breaks with you PS did you or Janie get any footage from the Ace Hardware get together that will be shared we did not we walked into that event and it was totally Off plan of what we had planned um when we walked in that door it was like a sea of people had came and uh it turned into more of like a meet and greet instead of Janie and I had like we had all of these things prepared that we were going to talk about and like go over and we were planning on mostly being on this like staged area and it just didn’t happen it turned into a meat and greet which was actually a lot of fun um we ended up having to like cap the line otherwise we weren’t even going to get to do the Planters we thought that we were going to show up early and be able to set up tripods and cameras and do all of these things but that just didn’t happen so we didn’t get I don’t think any footage from it at all I think Brent maybe got like a few seconds of us on stage but there’s no audio we were planning on being miked up like I am today uh it just didn’t happen so we’re going to try for the next event but we’ll see how that goes also congratulations on your puppy and the last question on that video is from Deborah and she had said oh my I would love to add the sunflower that you were talking about that gets a lot of blooms what was the variety I need to get some it is from Monrovia it is called sunbelievable it’s an exclusive to them I have a video coming out hopefully the 10th if this weather clears up and I can film it um the goal is to get it out for the 10th it’s called sunbelievable It’s amazing it gets 1,000 blooms per plant uh which is insane with so many flowers I have three of them going in the garden so I’m going to get 3,000 sunflowers from it which is going to be so pretty this year it blooms from the second you plant it mine already has a few blooms on it so it’s not even planted um up until Frost so in your growing season you should be able to get 1 th000 flowers out of it which is kind of crazy to me so it’s unbelievable keep an eye out for that and I will have a video out hopefully this week weather permitting the next video that we did was plant shopping you were going to love this one that was plant shopping at high hand with Jaylen for prom and um for lunch and all of the things it was so good the food was amazing I am going to pop up a picture right now right here of her at prom uh at the time of me filming this she hasn’t gone yet so I’m assuming she had a great time uh yeah we had we had made her flowers on live which was so much fun and a lot of you guys were there for that I think like 3,000 people saw that live and then it look look like another couple thousand people have watched it since we posted it so a lot of you guys got to see us make her flower arrangements which was so much fun and then we went dress shopping and her dress is so pretty so there’s her photo of her atom and the very first question on that video was from Julia and she had said it looks like a fun day with your sis did you buy any of the clay pots the price was definitely right and I definitely forgot I got out to the car we drove away we got to the mall and then I remembered them so I didn’t buy them and I’m still upset about it I’m so sad because my plan was to buy two of the big ones and two of the small ones that way I could do like two and two um where they were going to go I don’t know but the price was amazing and I’m so bummed that I forgot to grab them uh and I’m sure if I were to go back at any point now they would just be gone cuz they it was already pretty much picked through so no bummer next question on that video is from ALG and they had said is the blueberry self-pollinating or do you need to the blueberry from morovia is self-pollinating but if you get two of them you will have a bigger yield so it does self-pollinate and you will get blueberries but you have better yields if you have two or more of them so you you just really need one and you’ll be able to get a handful of blueberries it’s not a problem the next question on that video is from Ann and she had said this was so much fun it was wonderful to meet your beautiful sister if Brent’s least favorite color in the garden is blue what is his favorite color red he likes Reds that’s always his favorite color uh red is like one of my least favorite colors it always has been when we first got together uh I had moved in and there was a wall in his house that was just red it was burgundy but it was red and it was a lot the next question on that video is from Judy and she had said is the food any good oh my gosh the food is amazing we’ve gone there twice and uh we’ve ordered I’ve ordered different things both times and all of it was amazing there was not one thing that we didn’t like I mean the the potato salad had peas in it which I wasn’t like a fan of that part but the rest of the potato salad was really good so I just didn’t eat the peas and the last question on that video was from Tanya and she had said beautiful Nursery question I’m fairly new to your channel and I’ve heard you talk about Bailey but who is she sister friend thanks for all the great content Bailey is one of the employees at one of my favorite local nurseries she works at the plant Barn um a ton of you guys have met her I know a lot of you guys have stopped in there she tells me every time uh she just she’s an employee at the plant barn and she’s become a really good friend she watches most videos I’ll occasionally see her comment on here and it’s really sweet um I eventually plan to go to her house I would like to go to her house this summertime probably in the later and she’s going to teach me how to do some canning and show us her vegetable garden and she also grows these walnuts that are red on the inside it’s really really cool uh she says that they’re more for like crafts and things like that but she’s a really cool person so she just she’s a friend who works at a nursery and the next video that we did was garden bed cleanup and planting Super C picoas it was good and they’re looking great you can see the Mounds right there I need to spray them for budworm really badly the first question on that video was from fabric and flowers and they had said looks great was that a David Austin rose that you had to pull it was very very unfortunate very sad yes it was David Austin it was I think Royal Jubilee which was probably one of our like favorites from David Austin that we had bought in in terms of color it’s probably the brightest rose that we’ve ever bought um well we actually have that pink one next to the aary and it’s about that color it was just very intense like fuchsia pink it was really really pretty um and when I planted it it was in full sun and then I planted a tree and um now it’s in shade so we had to move it and I moved it in the middle of summertime and it didn’t make it so kind of unfortunate yeah my David Austin Rose we have two left we have three left how many David Austin do we have we have Claire Austin Des Demona Royal Jubilee and then we have the one right there that I don’t know its name oh and queen of stud we have five David Austin rosos holy cow now we have four cuz Royal Jubilee bit the dust the next question on that video is from JM Garder and they had said hi Robbie great job on the cleanup today have you thought about moving your up lights that are on the fence to be centered with the Apple Baler trees they would look beautiful lit up at night I think not I think I’m going to do that uh it’s just time and I am afraid that when I unclasp them that they might break cuz they’ve been sitting out for like 3 years now or something like that and it’s like plastic that holds lights together and it was a super cheap K I think it was like 100 bucks or something like that for all the wire and I think it’s like5 or six lights uh which was a really really good deal uh so I am a little afraid that they might break so that’s one thing that’s holding me back because if they break then I’d have to buy all new lights so I want to do that it’s just not that easy of just like picking them up and moving them I have to unclamp them and re-clamp them into a spot and that freaks me out a little and the last question on that video was from dmcr and they had said Robbie how do you keep a green lawn with multiple dogs what is your secret I just don’t show you the areas where the dog go to the bathroom that’s my secret I’ve heard that if you try to get them to drink water it helps if you like spray the area down with water immediately after they go to the bathroom that helps I won’t be doing any of those things so they just kind of rotate where they go to the bathroom and then I just like fill those areas in with grass seed and hope for the best the next video that we did was May Garden Tour the one that I filmed uh it was good it was long it was a 40- minute long Garden Tour which worked out perfectly though the first question on that video was from something creations and they had said what do you use to attack aphids on your roses thank you for all the inspiration you give uh as of right now I’m using water my like this the jet stream or I just smush them with my fingers it’s really gross uh I would really like to buy beneficial insects I need to do it I haven’t done it there’s a company that I’ve been talking to called like good bug or something that’s so not helpful I’m going to put the name up this is where I’m going to order bugs from uh I been doing extensive research and it sounds like they have like the best prices the best bugs and the widest range of options I need to deal with ants in some containers before I buy bugs and they’ve told me that I need to buy nematodes to take care of that so I got to order nematodes first and then sprinkle that to take care of ants and then I’m going to have to reorder bugs which I’m going to do Green Lace wings and I think the predatory wasp to take care of spidermites and aphids I don’t know I I’m still learning the next question on that videoos from manura and they had said enjoyed your garden tour you have beautiful roses and many other flowering plants your garden looks stunning what color is your front door painted it is called jungle camouflage we did it in satin it’s really pretty color yeah next question on that video is from Maggie and she had said why not prune it up and make the butterfly bush a topiary honestly I just don’t love the white blooms I really love white flowers but I hate what they look like when they diey and dry up so that’s the main reason I just think I can get something there that looks better or that doesn’t hold on to like dead looking blooms so that’s the only reason why the next question on that video is from dragon wings and they had said did you end up taking out the Foria also do you have an update on the creeping fig my sister planted some against a wall and recommended your video on it um I have not taken out the Foria yet I know I need to I keep saying it I’m waiting to see what plants I’m getting from Monrovia um because I have I have all these things planned out it’s just can I get my hands on the plants so I’d rather leave them until I can take them out and actively replace them instead of just taking it out and having a hole in the garden so that’s the only reason that they’ve stayed so no and then creeping fig it’s hasn’t put on any growth most plants it’s sleep creep sleep if you don’t know that the first year they sleep they don’t make any movement second year they creep they make a little bit of movement and then the third year they take off and they finally grow and same thing for creeping fig sometimes they’ll leap in the second year but that first year they don’t do a whole lot of movement and the last question on that videoos from JRP and they had said loved both the garden TS question when the aritas by the gate have to be removed from their pots will you plant them in the ground in the same place they flank the gate so nicely they flank it so beautifully I love them there but unfortunately no we won’t be doing that just because our water line to our house runs I’m pretty sure right there and I don’t want to dig a hole and hit a water line so that’s the only reason that we put them in those containers the at the beginning was cuz we didn’t want to dig down and have to like disrupt water lines that would cause way too many problems so nope uh I will dig them out I’ll put them somewhere back here and I will put something else in a container or or maybe even the same thing and just let them you know stay about that size the next video that we did was May Garden Tour and this is the one that Brent filmed and the very first question on that was from Rock and G farm and they had said I just purchased a Myer lemon doesn’t need a second type of lemon tree for pollinator nope self-pollinating Myer lemons are self-pollinating so you should be all good to go the next question on that video is from Serena and she had said hi Robbie those poppies are everything your garden looks amazing all of the changes you did this year are on point how did you get the lemon tree to bloom thank you appreciate that our lemon tree is blooming uh solely because I fertilize it I swear that’s it um ours also stays out year round so it’s always in full sun but fertilizing for anything in container especially Citrus is super important so uh we use citrus tone cuz that’s what I was able to get my hands on and it’s formulated specifically for citrus and I usually try to do that two sometimes three if I’m able to three times a year but at minimum two times spring and I do do it in the fall also the next question on that video was from Dawn and she had said love the Japanese and enemies do you know which one you have I think that it is the Japanese pomina I’m pretty sure that’s which one it is really really pretty like I said though it’s a bully in the garden so be prepared to fight it or grow it in a container I have grown it in a container I do notice that we did get less blooms though so just a heads up it’s a thug but it’s so pretty and it blooms very very late so you’re going to grow you’re going to go most of the growing season and you’re like why is this thing not blooming and it’s going to towards the end and then it’s going to throw up all of these blooms and you’re like oh my gosh it was worth it totally worth the wait and the last question on that video was from K Garden nerd and they had said love the energy of this video where did you get your white aler and birch trees those I got bare root from The Rock Garden which is up in Gerber it’s where I’ve gotten all of my be root trees from before and they have done absolutely amazing I had bought four birch trees from them be root and our alder tree from them and all of them have done absolutely amazing we even got our Willow Tree which was not be root when we bought it we got that from them also and that’s also obviously doing fabulous the next video that we did was massive planter made for the shade the first question on that video was from Jerry and they had said lovely arrangement in the basket Robbie looking forward to seeing how much it has grown in a month or so interested in watering wand do you recall where you bought it I did buy that one from terrain I did link it in that video um I try to if I use that watering one cuz I always get questions I try to link it in the videos from terrain I think it’s like $150 watering one so it’s an investment piece Brent hates it I love it I think it’s worth $150 I love the like the way the water pours out of it and I feel very elegant when I’m using it even if I’m in a hoodie investment piece it is linked in that video I will try to remember to link it in this one also sometimes links don’t make it in because it’s 11:00 at night when I’m uploading videos I’m going to tried to add it to this one also the next question on that video was from Stacy and she had said beautiful do you follow Kate at hello Garden that shade container is similar to her style if you are wanting to do some more combinations like that check her out I do follow Kate she’s going to be at Park Winters with me and Janie and I’m really excited about it it’s going to be so much fun she seems like such a blast and I can’t wait to actually meet her in real life um I do watch her videos I did watch the one recently where she went and she did like some container shopping she is somewh more realistic about things than I am and she thinks things through which I’m like yeah I need six of these do I know where they’re going no she’s like okay the pot has this texture which matches this wallpaper which needs this PL no I I don’t do any of that she I need to learn from her she knows what she’s doing so yes and if you’re not following her go check her out she is so smart and she does some beautiful gardens um I will link her YouTube channel down in the descript description down below the next question on that video was from a friend and they had said did you see the warning on that Bonia cancer and reproductive harm what that is because I live in California and everything causes cancer everything causes cancer so they have to put it on everything um I mean we get food that comes in that has that warning they want I’m sure that the the chairs that we’re sitting on had a cancer label on it I’m so blind to even seeing that anymore because it is literally on everything in California so no it’s not it’s not that Bonia that’s causing cancer it’s probably has to do with the plastic that it was sitting in or maybe because they use fertilizer in their containers or whatever it might be so if it comes to California it almost guarantees that it has a cancer warning label or choking label and the last question on that video was from gjm and they had said love the basket you’re in natural and flower ranging what is eating your hosta in front of the basket oh that has been a real battle every single year I love hostas so much uh we deal with pincher bugs and we deal with slugs so badly here it is ridiculous um so I’ve been using the slug and Bug it has helped tremendously but I didn’t get on it early enough and so it had damage so when the like leaves unfurled then you saw all of the damage so that’s what’s that’s the problem but the sluggan bug has helped a lot I’ve had some years where it they just eat the entire thing and that the whole plant is gone so Slug and bug is helping but it’s Piner bugs and slugs and I try to pick them off and kill them often it doesn’t work and the last video that we did was so much color in finishing the edging on the bed oh it was good it looks really nice over there it’s so nice to start adding pops of color you guys know I’m not like a super big pop of color person I tend to lean towards a lot of green in the garden or pink in the garden and so to add yellows and purples and reds and all of these colors has been actually a lot of fun so it was cool to add this and finish that edging oh my gosh that bed finally is done I just have the walkway to do and then we’re done with edging for a while the very first question on that video was from yansy and they had said love the edging I’m curious is the grass in your yard Bermuda grass thanks loving the videos unfortunately I’m going to say like half of our yard is Bermuda grass when we bought the place all of the flower beds were definitely Bermuda grass and there was no actual grass and I’ve been trying to overseed to take over the Bermuda grass and I do rip it out as best as possible this bed right here was nothing but Bermuda grass it was solid Bermuda grass it was bad uh so I do battle it I am already having it pop up in the walkway area that I just did uh what I’m going to do about that I don’t know because I even put the fabric cloth down and it’s going through that I moved the rock it is literally going through through that fabric which is such a bummer so I don’t know what I’m going to do to battle that um I might have to spray something so just be prepared for that the next question on that video is from Oregon and they had said when did you get the bunny statue it’s adorable love all the new plants I need Monrovia in my life we got that bunny statue I think forever ago it’s been maybe over a year and a half that we’ve had that two years yeah we’ve had it for a very very long time um it was very hidden because of the lavender and I cut the lavender back and now you can actually see it which is really nice it’s so cute we got it locally at like a local statuary place the same place we got our Fountain from he’s closed down now so I don’t even have a source for it which is kind of unfortunate but I think I paid like $10 for that thing which is crazy the next question on that video is from Martinez and they had said hey Robbie can you tell me where you purchased your white bench in your yard it’s beautiful the yard is coming together it looks really good we got that off of Amazon it’s about four years old 5 years old now it’s actually probably older than that it’s 5 years old for sure uh and it sits out year round when we bought it it was a natural like teak color we got it off of Amazon I will put the link to that down below uh we have since painted it white we need to sand it down a little bit and we need to repaint it but it was from Amazon it folds up really nicely we don’t fold it up or put it away we don’t take care of it and it just has sat out and it’s totally stable we still sit on it which is really really nice the next question on that video is from Susan and she had said do you have issues with rabbits nope we just have concrete ones so we don’t have to deal with rabbits here we’re really really lucky uh we’re very Suburban but we live in the middle of nowhere if that makes any sense I mean like our town is like 2,000 people and so there’s nobody that lives here but we also don’t have to deal with rabbits at all I don’t even see like jack rabbits out out in the Orchards very often so we’re very lucky about that and the very last question on that video is from s something I’m sorry and they had said question how do you cut the edging I only own tin snips you do not cut the edging what you do is you measure your space that you need and then you order exactly that length so they come in like very small pieces up to I think it’s like 4T pieces or something like that so you can get it very customized to the exact size that you need I just mismeasured when I ordered it otherwise it would have fit perfectly um but our other sides all fit absolutely beautifully and they didn’t need to be cut because I measured them properly so that’s the only thing is uh measure get that exactly how you need it and then you can go on their website and you can order like basically down to the inch I think it’s down to like 4 in so you have like that much wiggle room of what you need so check out their website they’ve got all the answers or you can even contact them if you need uh I like I did I folded a piece because I just needed to go around because I mismeasured so there’s always that option too so I hope that that helps all right you guys that is going to be it for this video I hope that you enjoyed it I’m going to go inside now and uh dry off because the seat was definitely wet when I sat down so I hope that you guys enjoyed the video I will see you all in the next one bye guys [Music]


  1. Normally i do not comment but no one has the right to judge. Everyone has something they struggle with. I also struggle with spelling and sometime pronounced. Keep being you! You are fabulous and love your videos!!

  2. You need to do a video with Janies friend Micheal Glassman .She did a video with him yesterday and all the plants he had in his Uniquely desighned garden I looked up and Monrovia carried them . And don't feel bad I can not spell neither .

  3. Robbie, we love you!! You are intelligent, funny, and very knowledgeable about gardening!! Keep being you, and don't second guess yourself because others are rude. It is so brave to share your life on YouTube, and I'm so glad you do!! Keep doing you 😊

  4. Very well said, Robbie….I’m sorry that you have to deal with such nonsense when you have such a positive outlook and a beautiful garden that you so willingly share with us🥰 You just keep doing you ….don’t let their problem become your problem! 😊

  5. People can be so cruel. It’s funny how they can be so “brave” to say rude things on the internet when they are hiding behind a screen. I love your channel, love your personality, love your garden. Just know you have many people who would be sad if your channel went away! Ignore the rude people!

  6. The rooster cracks me up! And who cares about how you say things! I always say plant names wrong! And i cant spell all too well either! But who cares! You are doing a fantastic job! This is one of my fave gardening channels as i feel like im just watching a mate chill in tje garden and its great! Keep your head up and dont worry what people say! Live your passion! You got this x

  7. Loved the live with you and Jaylen….i think it’s awesome that she loves spending time with you and Brent…great big brothers!❤️

  8. Good for you Robbie! Nobody is perfect and certainly not me. We all want to see your gardens and how you do it. Actually I never notice and who can pronounce those crazy names the plants have. Love your channel. You be you!

  9. I had to stop the video and laugh when you called the anemone a thug. It made me laugh so hard! 🤣🤣🤣

    I have the worst luck with watering wands. Why do they always leak? I find myself buying a new wand every year. Ugh!

  10. I am so, so sorry that people are so mean. I have been watching you for so long and I really didn’t notice anything wrong with your English. I know you are always commenting on it but I didn’t know why. I guess that is not what I am here for .😊 I love your channel and I love your knowledge on gardening and I am learning while you are learning on the things you don’t know. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  11. Best to ignore keyboard warriors- they’re only being snide to elicit a response. I’m sure it’s hard to ignore but do yourself a favor and just delete them.

    Some people are just miserable. End of story.

    Signed, A great grandmother

  12. Hi Robbie.
    Great Q&A, Don't give it a second thought about the grammar Patrol, I would just delete her or him, people are so rude.
    Have a great rest of the day.

  13. Robbie – you are most Nicest person and I don't even know you. Don't worry I can't spell and read plant names either. Those kinda people have nothing better to do then be bullies. Love you and your Chanel. Keep it up. From Chicago ❤❤❤❤

  14. Robbie, most of us love you just as you are. I am a teacher and I appreciate your honesty with your readin struggles. That takes courage. Hang in there!

  15. Oh Robbie…you are such a beautiful person. Please just keep doing everything you are doing. 99% of the people on this channel adore you and appreciate seeing you every day! Keep up the excellent work. We love you!

  16. Good for you for speaking out! I love watching your channel because you are genuinely you! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gardens with us. 💕

  17. It was so cold on Saturday, we were outside at the Bocce courts in Yuba City. The rain and wind was so hard. Glad your staying dry or somewhat. I

  18. Robbie, I love your personality, your grammar, your rooster (neighbors rooster) & your passion for gardening. Block those armchair judges that think we care about their comments. You do you boo!

  19. We love you! Having critics is an unfortunate symptom of success! I like that you've used assertive communication to address it – hope it was therapeutic and that you feel better.

  20. This 71 year old grandma appreciates that you love plants as I do. Your garden, your esthetic is beautiful. Hope I got that grammatically correct. 😎 Thanks for doing the videos.

  21. Robbie don't pay those haters any mind. People can't stand it if someone is happy. You are doing great things with your channel. I love watching your videos and getting inspiration. Keep up the good work and ignore those other guys.

  22. Love your videos and passion for gardening! Please keep being you! There are rude unhappy people in the world that get off on making other people as miserable as they are!🌼🌹🌻

  23. That's terrible….people are cruel. They are ignorant and you can't fix them. They will still continue. I hope you find a way to remove them before they can hurt your feelings. I have a gorgeous garden here in Massachusetts ( 90 acre's) that I will not post. just on FB websites i get so many folks being hateful. I am cleaning to soon, I have to many non native plants, i shouldn't spray my apple tree's yada yada the list goes on. I wont even post anymore. I don't have thick skin. I do things my own way, in my own time. But i do it on my own land. lol…..I enjoy your channel and your garden. and personally love your real delivery. carry on. some of us just enjoy our visit to your yard.

  24. Robbie- lemme tell you, I just started my own channel and I have dragged my feet so long due to the concerns you brought up. I just want to come on hear and tell you… YOU ARE AMAZING!!! The bigger and more views you get I bet the more people will pick on you and maybe it’s their jealousy, unhappiness, or those mischievous souls out there up to no good. You are incredible and I love that you put your living and love out there. Who you are, every bit of you is why I subscribed and get so excited to have my daily fill of Robbie!!! You Inspire me and I have already bought plants that are in your garden because you have shared your journey with them!!! Thank you for who you are Thanks for making your videos! And if one more horrible comment gets put out there just think of us little people who admire you, do it for us, and show them how amazing you are!!!!! ❤❤❤

  25. You have enough folks, 19.5K, who watch and enjoy your content despite any flaws you may have as a human being; we all have them. Dedicating a few of your precious minutes to address this topic, in my humble opinion, only serves to disempower you and take away from the passion and expertise you have worked so hard to cultivate. Let the success you've achieved so far speak for itself, no need to acknowledge those that appear fixated on insignificant points relative to the knowledge and joy you bring to your followers. ♥

  26. To hell with them Robbie. You continue to be you, it is you. You can’t go to any site now days that doesn’t have snarky, mean, hateful people that want to hurt others. I enjoy watching you because you are you. Grammar hammers need to go find someone else to harass.

  27. Robbie you are a delightful, kind, intelligent and caring person, you make the world a BETTER place! We love you and your channel. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and passion with your fans ❤ 🪴 ❤️

  28. Robbie I’m watching this later than normal today. Please don’t let anyone put you down! You have a great channel and a charming /fun personality. I have learned so much watching your videos. BTW I love the rooster! It’s crazy how many miserable people there are out there! Ignore those trolls and do you! 😎

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