Lawn Care

It’s come along way since my fall overseed…

First pic was right after my overseed (covered with peatmoss). Pumped with the results!

by mfessler


  1. ProfessionalNo7703

    What did you do to prep before fall seeding then after seeding? Asking because mine is looking like your first one, and I need to do this in the fallz

  2. therealgingerbreadmn

    I have never seen a shaded lawn looks so absolutely stunning. Nice work!

  3. luv2block

    you can probably thank those trees a lot. Looks like they give you a perfect combination of shade and sun.

  4. Looks great. How much peat did you end up using? Trying to plan for this fall. And what seed did you use?

  5. ryaneleew

    Not going to lie, I’m jealous of cool season grass.

  6. yosoysimulacra

    Hell yeah. Nice work. I had success with my fall overseed, but not on this level. I probably need to apply 2x the seed this fall.

  7. MagicMichealScott

    How much peat moss did you use? Just a thin layer?

  8. SireSweet

    That looks so thick that you couldn’t get a comb through it

  9. SanjiReddit

    Look AI to me. Hah just jealousy talking

  10. WSDreamer

    Oh yeah? Well you still can’t mow a straight line.

  11. SlipperyPickle6969

    Wow, ur house got brighter too! Lol jk, nice work!

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