Gardening Australia

Is this dumb or ok

Super excited as I crafted my first raised garden beds from reclaimed materials.

Only thing is I am unsure whether this painted wood on the inside of the right bed is problematic. Before I plant should I remove soil and cover the sides with plastic or is it OK? (This is for herbs and greens)

Thanks 4 ur time

by max10millions


  1. Fishing_not_catching

    Just something to consider, any timber on the ground like that is just termite food. If/when they find it (depending on your geographic location) you will need to fix it again. Perhaps consider an alternative? Some fibre cement sheeting or metal? Everything you have used isn’t designed to be exposed to the elements and will deteriorate but you will get some use out of it for a time.

  2. Difficult-Mine-420

    Nah its not dumb mate , nothing wrong with used materials .. i personally wouldnt worry about the inside of the right one ,she’ll be right mate ..

  3. RatLamington

    It’s good recycling. But depending on the type of material it’s made of, it could be very temporary due to water damage or termites.
    Maybe best for use in starting seedlings, rather than established long-term plants

  4. Previous-Acadia-7729

    No idea if it’s good or bad but you’ve done the hard work now, so see how it goes! When you’re ready for an upgrade down the road you’ll have a better idea of what you want. Good luck

  5. Hensanddogs

    I think it’s bloody excellent use of materials!

    What are you going to plant? You’re up to the fun part now 😊

  6. skinnyguy699

    Not dumb at all!

    I assume it drains freely?

    Also if it’s a rental, are you sure they won’t be unhappy with that area of lawn dead?

  7. Shelved40

    Nothing is dumb if it works.

    I think they’ll be great

  8. Jimmy_Zig

    Looks full of potential and exciting. 👍

  9. SweetnGreen2313

    Exciting. Trial and tribulation. Good luck. Fertilise!

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