
Finally got a new pair of Timberland Pros..

I had my old pair for multiple years, abusing them daily. When my feet would ache badly at the end of each day, I knew I needed new ones. I got them in the mail late yesterday, wore them for the first time today…

by SwimOk9629


  1. SwimOk9629

    I was going to post this in r/wellthatsucks but I figured I’d make this my inaugural post here instead

  2. GreatRaceFounder

    Timberland Pros hurt my feet like a motherfucker, I just wear hiking boots now. Got a pair of Sorels on sale & love them

  3. Ive gone through so many different boots. I havent heard great things about the Timberland Pros but what do you think? Do you only wear that type? Do you use special in soles? Im looking to change up. I got red wings this year but theyre laced and kind of a pain in the arse, I wish I had kept them nice for estimates only. I like slip on’s like blundstones but dont like blundstones. The struggle is real lol- also I love the grinch picture. I share the exact same types of pictures on my company Instagram. Grinch picture as in the covered in grass clippings picture, btw…Hahaha

  4. spookytransexughost

    That is the only boot I will ever buy. Been using them for almost 10 years. Usually get 1 season out of them they stay comfortable and dry

    I only switched to blundstones when I became a pm

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