Succulent Plants

What should I do with these??

Plant noob here, bought these from Walmart on a whim bc they are cute. No care info on the label, I don’t know what kind they are. Should I leave them like this? Should I pot each plant individually? Do they get bigger? Can I plant more succulents or cacti with them? Thanks!!

by hunnibon


  1. dogwalkerott

    Enjoy them as they are for now. They will grow then repot into individual pots. Would not crowd them more. Not sure of the varieties someone else will know for sure. Don’t over water them, let them dry out well before you water.


    Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew

  3. bettylovesyarn

    Lots of light!! I bought a similar arrangement last summer and kept it outside. It grew like crazy. At the end of the summer, I separated the plants that still looked good into their own pots and brought them in. They are still doing great.

  4. 1. Yes, leave them like this for now.
    2. See #1.
    3. Yes, they will get bigger.
    4. No more in that pot, it’s full.

    5. Care: A good sunny window, soak with water and thoroughly drain when soil is bone dry. Most are over watered in the stores, or do not get enough light. Acclimate to sunlight slowly especially if it was in shade or indoors when you bought it. They can burn if introduced too quickly.
    Amazon sells very cute little pots, like 3-4″, in 6 or 8 packs that I love to use. Plain white and simple as to not take away from these beauties.

    6. You will become addicted. Just accept it and move on. I ordered a few for my office, I now have over 40 between there and my house. There are worse things to be addicted to right?

    Lastly, ENJOY! 😊

  5. mushpuppy5

    I bought a couple of arrangements at Home Depot. I figured I would spend almost twice as much if I bought the plants individually. My plan is to keep an eye on them and if they show signs of distress I’ll repot them. I don’t know what all the different plants are either-I know some, so I’m just watching for general signs that they aren’t happy.

  6. Automatic_Dot_9015

    water them sparingly, needs light. if those gets too crowded, you can propagate them, to make new plants. for tutorials, search google.

  7. gggggfskkk

    I love these arrangements!! They’re always so cute but very temporary, I separated mine once they out grew their old pot and with how much they’ve grown being separate, I don’t regret it. Plus it mentally tricks me into thinking my collection is massive 🤣

  8. gggggfskkk

    I’d say the purple is a ghost plant succulent. The dark green is a type of jade, the light yellow/green is a type of jade. The orange looks like California sunset. Idk the other two, I don’t own them!

    Avoid planting cacti with succulents, although it seems like an excellent idea, the cacti in the same pot with a soft succulent will get scarring on its leaves from the cacti thorns! Also it’s easier to understand all the plants separately than mixed. A lot of succulents have different restrictions and needs, some more light/ water, some less light/water. And I think that pot is pretty full as it is. They will out grow it pretty quick, unfortunately!! And yes they will grow bigger!! Succulents either grow bigger or they drop their leaves to propagate babies which they do to survive in the wild. You’re very welcome, now that you hear “succulent leaf babies”, you’re going to be extremely addicted like the rest of us. 😆

    There is a ton of care guides online, but I’ll let you know, it could be a completely different experience for you, succulents aren’t by the book. You grow them indoors, outdoors, humid, dry, everywhere is different. The easiest way for me is to recognize when my plants are thirsty – I never water them on a schedule, I barely water for the most part, and when they show wrinkles in their leaves that’s when I’ll water them. I never overwater that way and I do it this way because I had many casualties when I was first starting. Soil, a lot of people will say use a mix of perlite and sand or something. I use dirt, nothing special, just dirt in a bag from Home Depot, my plants thrive!! Other people will say that it would rot your plants. So really it’s all a learning experience, everything could be different from all the factors.

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