Gardening Supplies

Huge Homestead Blessing/Thank you Paula! /Garden and Canning Supplies#martinmidlifemisadventures


[Music] all right this is quite a hall and can you please tell our friends where it came from so um we’re just going to go with Paula one of our subscribers um she contacted us and said I’m moving do you want this stuff and so we determined uh a public place and met and man what a blessing it’s just there I can’t even believe it it’s a lot of stuff all right we’re not going to be able to show absolutely everything but we’ll give you the basic idea we have a lot I mean a lot of flats of food this is food um this is food this is food this has is full of canned food this box is food this box is food this box this box and this box is all food this is all gardening seeds all seeds guys look at this look at these giant things of seeds all seeds look at these seed starting trays and over here this box is full of canning lids and rings and sure gel I mean full everybody full did you see this up here what what do you got up there irrigation hose for the garden this is going to come in super handy is that an oil pan yeah well no it’s for soil oh we do our Adobe in this oh very cool let’s get in the truck all right you want me to come around there oh my gosh holy cow what is all this the front seat as well is that more seeds more seeds that’s what I’m saying this is grow lights oh my gosh yeah we got to be careful with those these are for the gy soils oh my gosh uh I I just seeds unbelievable oh my gosh we’re never going to have to buy ever again ever again oh my gosh Paula I just I am oh my goodness what is this gravies Italian seasoning oh man I don’t even know rat [Music] master I just wow know that’s got an address let’s turn it back okay look at this oh my gosh guys one two oh my goodness three four five oh my gosh and there’s a sixth one on the other side this is unbelievable two of these oh my gosh two of them yeah oh this one’s canala wow just amazing and look at these bags grow bags oh those are nice ones they’re felt mhm and there’s another one up in the Box up here oh those are nice uh all right let’s go to the other side okay let’s go to the other side here we are at the other side I see more mason jars are you kidding me H more jars look at those Lids yeah wait wait you just wait I coffee oh my gosh wow and there’s two of these more Lids Lids wow okay let’s get this box out I can’t even believe all this I mean this is beyond a blessing seeds more seeds seeds more seeds here take this these are more of those soils for your oh for planting in yes oh my goodness I mean wow oh my gosh I’m I just I just don’t even know wow Paula May yaha blushy tin fold more yeah the ties are ours but holy cow what’s that watch is that a popup thing y oh my goodness I just said I we needed that for working in the back yep oh that is such a blessing here’s another one oh my goodness that’s an Eddie Bower one yeah chairs and stuff oh I think that’s another one okay and then these are more jars more jars [Music] and oh my gosh look at all these paper goods yeah are these tablecloths yeah oh my gosh that’s amazing I’m just blown away I can’t even believe when we were packing it I was like are you kidding me oh my gosh but I couldn’t you know what I mean we were talk [Music] and it’s amazing all right everybody we hope you enjoyed seeing that wonderful blessing that we got and I have to say Paula I’m sorry I was not able to go with Amy on that trip to see you and meet you and I’m very sorry I was not there and I am extremely grateful for all of this it is it’s it’s going to change our life The Garden Alone like I’ve been spending the last couple days going through the seeds and organizing them and I’m getting ready as soon as I’m done right here I’m going over to start more seeds because there was so many interesting wonderful things yeah in there just amazing absolutely amazing thank you so much may you know and and the blessing that you have bestowed on us we’ve been able to yes extend that to others so yah bless you tfold yep absolutely and I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer in this whole situation guys but a lot of you who have been with us for a long time see the blessings of food that come our way food and ways to grow food okay like large large amounts centered around food yeah and we prepare ourselves He blesses us okay He blesses us with what we need and I feel like he’s telling us we don’t have enough yeah and considering how much we already have that’s something to really think about yeah it is and it’s a blessing it’s a blessing from Paula from her heart but through our father Yes and that’s the way blessings work and I just feel like was a vessel for him to work through yeah so please think about that because the blessings are a food and I really truly believe in all my heart that he’s telling us we need more yeah so so we’re going to listen we’re going to listen all right friends we love you so much please give us a thumbs up please like share subscribe leave us a comment and check out our links below yeah we’ll be talking to you really soon God bless you shalom


  1. Oh Friends, we are excited to share this amazing homestead blessing with you all. We cannot begin to thank you enough, Paula. Your kindness and generosity are so appreciated, and may Yah bless you beyond measure. ❤

  2. What amazing blessing ❤❤to you both thanks for sharing this with us today and stay safe and take care 💖💖😘😘

  3. When my 1/2 gallon jars are not being used to store dry goods, I store filtered drinking water in them. Much better than plastic bottles.

  4. I'm speechless!!! What a huge blessing. Paula, you are amazing!!! May the Good Lord bless you, for your gift to Amy and Ashley!!

  5. Oh my gosh what a wonderful blessing to have received. Thank you so much for the subscriber that helped them out with all of that stuff.😊

  6. What a blessing. Hope you share as it’s certain one person doesn’t need that much. My thanks to Paula for thinking of you girls.

  7. I am so happy! I can't think of anyone more deserving of such a blessing! That is AMAZING!!! Yah is so good! Paula, thank you for your kindness!!

  8. Wow.. what a blessing this is for you both and for having Paula as a follower. She knows you both well. ❤ love it when we care for others. God’s grace

  9. What a wonderful blessing to two equally wonderful ladies! Yah is so good! So very happy for you both. God bless & keep you both. You are so loved. Keep doing what you do. ❤

  10. This is the Good Lord blessing you because you help so many others. More folks thank you know. I'm so glad ya'll were able to get it.

  11. Paula is one of your guardian angels, blessing you (as well as those who you bless) with what you need.
    Not only can you extend your garden, but can preserve your bounty without as much added expense.

  12. WOW!!! My eyes teared up watching this. I could feel your gratitude. I'm so glad that Paula had such a deserving couple to give all that to.

  13. Wow, what a blessing. Paula has a big heart heart now is Paula moving somewhere like out back to the city or something man that’s just awesome.
    Thank you, Paula 🌱🌱🌱

  14. This could not have happened to more deserving people. Y'all are the epitomy of blessings. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your family.
    Ashley are you losing weight or toning a lot from working the other homestead location. It's just something I've noticed as of late
    Be safe and God bless you two and Paula.

  15. I know u will share your blessings with family and friends with your over abundance of goods from Paula. Wow what a haul. God bless.

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