Vegetable Gardening

Best scape recipes please!

I have a dinner party tomorrow and I’m thinking of making some pesto with these bad boys, but would love to know some other recipes!

by heyitsmelxd


  1. remargaret

    Chopped to about green bean size and sautéed in oil, a little salt and maybe lemon juice. They’re special, show them off rather than hiding them in pesto

  2. Jacornicopia

    My coworker makes something called scapegoat out of them. Scapes and goat cheese. I won’t tell you exactly how he makes it, but however you use them together, it’ll be delicious.

  3. SLC_Danno

    I like to grill them hot and short like asparagus.

  4. wild_bloom_boom

    I make scape salt every year. Chop scapes into small chunks and blend with 1 cup of Himalayan salt and about 1/3 cup water. Spread the mixture on a cookie sheet and slow bake at 200° until dry and crispy, or dehydrate. When it’s bone dry I put it back in the blender and pulse until it’s back to salt crystals. It is sooo good.

  5. sasabomish

    My scapes are about ready as well. Hope some recipes get posted. 🤘🏻

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