Edible Gardening

foraging red trillium

red Trillium it’s actually the leaves are edible this time of year and it tastes like Tangy lettuce and a tiny hint of fox pea


  1. I do t know about the leaves but if you pick the flowers they wonโ€™t bloom again for 7 years

  2. I'm watching this in bed and laughed so loud my husband woke up and had to see what I was laughing about. His only question was how you'd know what fox pee tastes like. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. My dad has Parkinsonโ€™s. I appreciate what youโ€™re doing here. Some days it puts things in perspective for me. โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน

  4. I have wild strawberries growing in my yard, I've only seen a few over the last few years. But for some reason this year there are hundreds of them and they are absolutely gigantic compared to what I've normally seen before.

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