
Home Depot Hoya – Should I separate because of overcrowding?

found this beauty at Home Depot last week, it had just come in from a shipment and still had plastic on it. it's been chilling in a sunny windowsill for a bit now, haven't watered it bc the soil was damp. I don't want to repot if it will be too stressful, but the individual cuttings they placed seem really close together, plus the density of the plant is hiding some truly spectacular looking leaves. Any opinions or advice? Not new to caring for hoyas, but this is my first time getting one from a big-box store.

by budsflowersfoliage


  1. Thalianova

    No, Hoyas love being crammed in and root bound. These HD Hoyas will do great unless they develop root rot due to overwatering in the store. Make sure you let it dry out. Also don’t repot!

  2. NoFun3799

    Eventually. Let it acclimatize a bit longer before you pull it apart. From experience, these baskets are not very well rooted when new.

  3. RealRoxanne10

    I wouldn’t separate it repot unless they’re is signs of distress. I repotted my princess right away and it slowed down tremendously. It’s taken a year for it to bounce back.

  4. Gracel2mart

    It looks perfectly happy rn, i don’t see a need to repot it

  5. williewillx

    I have a Home Depot Hoya carnosa just like this and it randomly started losing vines, yellowing leaves, dropping leaves. So it pretty much thinned itself out. It’s been growing great for almost a year now with no more issues. I always wondered if it was too full, roots competing for water and nutrients and what not

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