
I’m tired of staring at my monstera’s back. Will it be fine if I move it to the 2nd pic?

1st pic is where it currently is (South-facing window) and 2nd pic is where I want to move it. It would be between an East-facing window and South-facing window. I’m in the Northern Hemisphere.

by whitesciencelady


  1. HicoCOFox-

    Why not just rotate it in its current spot?

  2. I put mine on the other side of the room so the front could still see the window. I don’t know how big your room is though! The corner seems worse since its leaves won’t be facing the window and it would be relying on light bouncing off the walls (if that even works?)

  3. MasterpieceMinimum42

    It’s up to you. But if that corner isn’t bright enough for not, it will stretch out to reach the light.

  4. stickkim

    It will probably be fine there, you could move it further away from the window where it will still receive light, also.

  5. Fissyiii

    East and south facing windows? This will probably be fine. But you might still see leaves turing or stretching to the windows… I’d just observe for now and see how the plant behaves.

  6. Ok_Organization_6620

    I have mine just like that and it’s good!

  7. Your monstera is going to be in the light of that window, whether you plant it there or move the roots a few feet away. I would recommend leaving it as is.

  8. Imaginary_Step_9014

    Honestly man, people on here are so fussy. Your plant is in between 2 windows it will 100% be fine. Sure it might now grow 100% as fast, but it will be marginal and if it’s the difference between enjoying your plants or not… just go for it. I had one 10ft away from a northern window for 6 months and it didn’t grow much but it looked the same as the day I put it there. It won’t self destruct

  9. LiekaBass

    It will be fine, but eventually those leaves will reach out and twist to face the sun in the windows. They’re climbers in their natural habitat and have a tendency to seek out brighter light if they’re in indirect light with a light source they can “see” that’s brighter

  10. Mister_Orchid_Boy

    What a beautiful specimen. I’m sure It’d be fine there, there’s enough light, however it may not stay exactly like that and you may have some petioles stretching to the left and the right.

  11. justaphage42

    The new spot is so aesthetically perfect for it. It will get plenty of light, but it will 100% turn its leaves out towards each window and stop “facing” you. The reason it looks so nuce right now is it has had that strong front light. Best option if you want to keep the leaves oriented to the room is to hang a spotlight type grow light over it in corner, hanging the light just a little ahead of the plant. If it is the appropriate strength the plant will continue to orient its leaves toward the lamp (aka the middle of the room).

  12. DottieLeaf

    I just wanted to let you know that im in love with your plant and the view is so cute.

    As for the poles… you can change it for a 4-5″ plank. Or a diy pole. Galvanized wire, some strip ties (not sure if my translation is good), and spaphnum moss w/perlite. I saw in a video someone that used burlap i think it was… or jute (sorry words), and that helps the plant attach faster to the pole.

    That new spot will work well. You are doing a good job as a plant parent.

  13. MysDonna

    I’d just rotate it 180 degrees every few days.

  14. LateObjective2389

    I personally would move it daily for it to get the optimum light and face it at night 😅 but I guess I’m just that kind of weirdo 😀

  15. hip2bking

    Yeah, you’re totally fine doing that. You’ll probably just have to occasionally spin it as the plant starts to grow towards the window

  16. SnapIsHere65

    I think it would love the new spot, it would still get plenty of light.

  17. adhdroses

    Honestly id just lowkey move it like once or twice a week to face the window and then move it back to the “pretty” spot. That’s what i do haha. Just give it a bit of a boost at times so the plant is a little confused and doesn’t immediately grow towards the side.

  18. Aggravating_Will

    Tbh your plant looks happy where it is. Perhaps add a lower light tolerant plant in the corner

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