
At what point am I addicted?

At what point am I addicted?

by singleandavailable


  1. SubstantialSmell512

    Wow, what a beautiful collection!

  2. Knittingtaco

    Ohhhh probably about now but we get it. Gorgeous

  3. Sufficient_Turn_9209

    The point when you got that very first plant and the endorphin rush that followed! Lol.

  4. Ok-Animator-4742

    The size of your elephant ear leaves! Wonderful collection of plant babes 🌿

  5. Artistale89

    They’re wonderful!!! 😍😍♥️

    And they seem all in health, how?

    Every day I don’t know if my plants will survive for the next day 🤣💔

  6. PatriciaAmanda1

    When you can name every plant you own.

  7. Ok-Box6892

    Once you maximize your vertical space and can no longer comfortably walk through your home lol. So I’ll say you’re still good.

  8. Love it! How much light do your elephant ears get?

  9. beachingcake

    What a lovely living room ! I’m fairly jealous 🫠

  10. Full-Owl-5509

    Whatever the first plant was…..thats when it happens.

  11. Pretty sure you flew past that point some pots ago, my friend. 😆 I mean your plants are now sitting there watching TV.

  12. TurnoverUseful1000

    Oh brother ! You’ve come to the wrong place to hear “you have enough” lol
    As long as you’re happy & can maneuver safely through your home, I’d say “there’s always room for one more”.

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