Fiddle Leaf Fig

7-yr fiddle not doing great

I grew the tall one from a one-leaf sprout and it has been thriving for 7 years. I moved in November to a new state, and was very worried about it. For the first few months, however, it sprouted new leaves and looked fine. But in the last month it has dropped several leaves and is not growing new ones and brown spots have appeared on top and bottom leaves. Smaller one has some brown spots as well. Both get a full watering can about every 10-12 days or when soil is dry. Anyone know what I can do, if anything? Is it okay? Frank has been with me for so long 😫😫 can I encourage new growth anywhere?

by everydaynoodle

1 Comment

  1. Physical_Literature5

    When you say, when the soil is dry, are you feeling all the way to the bottom of the pot with your fingers? Or a dry chopstick? That seems like way too frequent of watering in my experience.

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