Garden Plans

Garden Design Ideas & Future Plans For The Rule Gardens ~ Creating A Beautiful Garden Landscape

As we all know gardening is always a work in progress. The work is never truly finished especially when you have dreams of grandeur of creating a beautiful oasis. We have so many garden design plans and hope we can find ourselves bringing these into fruition. In today’s video I wanted to walk you through the main garden area and try to paint a picture of the future of the Rule Gardens. At the moment we have a solid foundation of plants including Japanese Maples & Conifers. These will be the core of the whole garden landscape design. We have been adding a ton of flowering shrubs such as Azaleas and Rhododendron along with flowering perennials to provide an array of colors and textures to really bring the garden alive. We have also began the process of adding fragrant flowering plants as well to provide a whole new dimension and level to the overall experience. Our plans for a beautiful garden gazebo is getting closer to a reality. We have found one that will look and fit perfectly in our space and we will be ordering it and having it delivered soon. This begins the process of hardscapes and garden features that will bring more definition and help create defined areas throughout the landscape. Eventually there will be landscape stone borders to create garden beds and separate the areas of walkways in between to be able to feature the best viewing directions to take our garden strolls. Come along for another video where I share my garden design ideas and future plans for the Rule Gardens.

welcome to the channel this is North Carolina living where we do all kinds of videos sometimes we’re in the mountains hiking around sometimes we’re in the backyard doing some garden projects today I thought I’d do something a little bit different uh to kind of explain some of these uh latest Garden videos I’ve been doing been showcasing a lot of spring colors on Japanese maples and I’ve got a ton of them and my space looks very crowded and I have a lot spaced in here but I wanted to kind of break down a little bit of my reasoning behind some of this and my plans for the future uh because right now it’s a little bit hard to see that vision and this is kind of also for me to kind of document um where I’m going with this and where I started uh gardening is always a work in progress so I wish I could just snap my fingers and everything was done and and I could show you guys a masterpiece but it all starts somewhere and today I wanted to kind of show a little bit of my vision maybe you guys can kind of see it as I explain and walk the garden so I’m doing a little bit different style today as you can see this beautiful display of spring colors out here Reds and yellows and bronzes oranges greens really nice nice mix of colors and uh I want to kind of start from this side of the garden and just kind of explain a little bit of what I have planned here so as you can see I have a lot of different cultivars of Japanese maples now with Japanese maples not all of them have the same growth habits there is an extreme diverse uh difference between all these different cultivars and I am playing off of those different characteristics and growth habits to allow myself to maximize the space that I have to get the most amount of plants in here my future plans is to have this a beautiful space well manicured my Maples pruned to fit their spaces and just a lot of upkeep and uh preparation for this but right now it’s in the early stage so you can’t really see what I have planned for this but uh this is a video going to give it a little bit of my explanation and ideas for hardscapes and garden design as things progress so come along with me here and we’ll take a little bit of a walk so this back section here this is going to be eventually beded out with a a stone border Stone bed border that kind of meanders around uh some of these Outer Perimeter of the plants here and uh and then this would be mulched in or stoned in something in that nature uh haven’t really decided what’s going to be that ground cover medium it could be a ground cover uh plant um haven’t decided that but this back corner section my plans is is to have a border bed that kind of meanders back here to the back um and this space that you see here is uh for the walkway to kind of walk in to the garden and uh view the trees as you’re passing them by you know we’d have Maples and conifers on both sides and you could kind of find your way through the garden and enjoy all the different Cults of ours I’ll give you an example so here I have uh this is hot sauce it’s a very strong uh heat tolerant upright red uh Japanese maple is going to be a good size tree but around it I’ve got some dwarfs this is a lace sleeve called Sweet Lorraine a beautiful reticulated uh lace leaf and then I’ve got a a snow Sprite a deodor cedar and then behind it I’ve got a barberry and a dwarf pagota Holly so you can kind of just see how that you know spacing if you were doing all large uprights would have to be significantly more uh in between but when you pick the right plants uh around then you can kind of cram things in together another good example would be right here I’ve got a maawa type and Jade Dragon here which is another dwarf um so as I’m thinking about spacing in my garden I’m thinking about color contrast and accent and shape but also in size you know so that I can maximize the most of my spaces and get as many beautiful plants in here as I possibly can without it feeling too overcrowded now the other part of that is going to be that I have intentions on uh pruning a lot of my Japanese maples not just allowing them to just grow however they grow I want to spend a lot of time doing a lot of directional pruning and uh keeping them contained to specific spaces I’m not going to try to you know butcher them or to force them to do something that they’re not I’m trying going to try to accentuate their characteristics but try to maintain them in their space and uh hopefully that will come across as the years progress so this is just this uh kind of uh back corner section just kind of wanted to explain some of my ideas and thoughts on this particular section okay so let’s go back to the the walkway that’s going to come in between this back corner section and the rest of the garden out here and we’ll kind of focus out this way and I again I did a lot of spacing that looks very tight in the spacing but uh my plan in the way I’ve designed it in such a way that you have a lot of dwarfs around the uprights which allows you to kind of squeeze things in a little bit tighter for example here this is Acer japonicum Taki nogawa which is a beautiful upright Acer japonicum but around it I’ve got a maawa yatsubusa variety here Catalina yatsubusa I’ve got a koi right here I’ve got octopus a red weeping lace Leaf there and a dwarf Pine here in front so as you can see there is a lot that’s going on in this area but I’m allowed to kind of squeeze in this space by putting a nice big upright here and then filling around it with smaller and dwarf varieties of plants and then as you walk down through here kind of played off this same thing here and uh at some point I’ll do an extensive uh walk through of each plant as I’m going but today I’m just kind of kind of giving you guys a quick overview of some of my garden ideas and so if you see one in the video and you’re like man what was that one ask me and tell me you know hey it was in minute such and such and I’ll try to name it for you so as I’m walking this Pathway to the back and I come around here to the end my long-term goal is to have the fire pit Maple chimna right here and then you can see a little bit of an outline here I have this space kind of reserved there’s a square outline here I have this reserved for a gazebo I would love to get something kind of in a Japanese styling I don’t know if that’s going to be possible or not um but my plans is to try to either build or purchase a beautiful uh pagota to come out here and sit and uh and would be in the middle of all of these Japanese maples and be able to look 300 160° and see each of these different cultivars as you’re sitting out here in the Gazebo so I have this space kind of reserved I’m not planting anything in this area I’m planting a r around it going to uh leave space for that uh particular project um and then you know so along this back uh fencing here I’ve got some cool metal art here that I had a friend of mine make uh that uh does some metal work work and uh it’s a penley uh Mobile Welding checked them out on Facebook he’s got some really cool stuff that he’s done but um got some nice little metal work here got the rule Gardens but at in the back here I’ve kind of created a line of plants that are a lot of like flowering shrubs as an accent there a native ailia there just kind of going along this Back Fence to try to provide kind of a backdrop for a lot of what I have going on so and then once you’re here this would be kind of the view you would see from the Gazebo once it’s here so I’m right here in the back kind of middle of my garden up at looking up at the house all the maples completely surrounding this where no matter where you’re sitting in the Gazebo you’re going to have a killer view of everything in the garden so again this is kind of just some general uh information and I know you guys are probably watching these videos and not sure what I I’m going on what I have going on um because there’s a lot of plants and you’re thinking man he’s got them crammed in there what’s your spacing I’ve had that question a lot so hopefully just kind of clarify some of that uh thought and wonder about you know what do I have going on here and what are my long-term plans so coming to this front of where the Gazebo is going to sit you have the maple Chima which is another awesome uh design and craft from penley mobile W welding uh ZB penley is a really good friend of mine super talented guy he is an excellent welder and uh I was able to give him the Japanese maple leaf design and he was able to give the those cutouts so when the fire is going in there those things light up and create all kinds of amazing colors looks really really nice anyway so above and beyond this uh from where the Gazebo would sit you have another open walkway that is going to come up uh through here and again when you’re my plan is to have some borders to create some edges around these different sections and this is looking back to that far back corner where we just talked about earlier and in all the cultivars as you’re walking playing off each other in different Arrangements of color size and texture so really cool I enjoy this sort of thing I I love Japanese maples individually but my my mind and the way I really enjoy uh my trees is I think of them in groupings so I always think of two to three to four to five different cultivars that can play off of each other in colors and a design kind of a a a grouping of trees rather than a single Japanese maple so as you can see there’s a lot of different uh things going on with the different Cult of ours and uh just kind of wanted to give you guys a little bit something different today explaining my long-term goals for our garden here all right so I hope I haven’t lost everybody who’s watching uh with me just kind of rambling on about different garden ideas but I wanted to try to give you guys to see the vision hopefully you can if not I apologize it may just be kind of a an empty attempt at something I can only see in my own mind but I wanted to give you guys an opportunity to see what I’m working on and then back here in the back I’ve got another trail that leads out through this area here um and again I’ve got all kinds of varying colors and shapes different cultivars uh this is one of my favorites here this is Acer pum shagui BAU I mean if you don’t have that in your garden you’re missing out this thing is absolutely phenomenal goes to some beautiful orange and yellows in the fall bright shter green in the spring and then just to give a contrast here right behind it I’ve got Osaka Zuki um which goes a beautiful electric pink red in the fall and uh some nice pink highlights in spring over that green nice contrast there this is an upright this is a semi pendulus upright so you have some different heights variations going to be happening there got a red lace Leaf here orangeola another uh small dwarf red lace Leaf here this is a red filigree lace really nice little cultivar there and then again this is going to be uh a walkway that’s going to kind of lead you into to this back corner section of the garden to be able to view those trees and then also as you’re walking through here youve got all these different contrasts and shapes and colors and size so you kind of come right here to this viewing portion of the garden and uh I’ve got a lot of got some dwarf conifers up front here some nice variable colors some upright japonic coms the big one back here is a dwarf we’ve got uh Bronze Age here nice little variegated Kabuki with some aelas got the aelia back here this is one I recently planted a spider aelia a karum zilia uh shikao I believe that is Kumo shikao uh anyway and then back kind of in the back corner we’ve got uh usug gumo way back there big going to be a nice big upright Acer pictum really cool um again just playing off those colors and textures so uh coming back around this uh again my plan is to make some borders to follow this walkway and kind of separate each section of the garden this is looking back over here where the Gazebo will sit and then as you kind of meander back through this Trail viewing all the different different Japanese maples as you walk and again I tried to vary color shape and texture and size um and then we’ve got my wife’s raised bed garden back here on the back with a lot of flowering plants along the border of the fence there and then this uh walkway Trail will lead you on up through the garden here and kind of show you looking back as I walk backwards through this section of what you would see um in that part of the garden so again just wanted to give an overview of my ideas at long-term plans for the garden right now I’m planting a lot of things and uh it definitely at times I’ve had a lot of people question how overcrowded it is and I can definitely understand that but it’s going to take a lot lot of work and maintenance to keep this the way that I have envisioned it and so I’m looking forward to the years to come where I can kind of continue to progress and put in these different walking trails and hardscapes and bed borders to create defined spaces amongst all the plants that you see planted all right so that’s the uh kind of garden big plan overview of this particular section this is the back yard section of the rural Gardens and uh I’m excited to continue to watch this progress I’m sorry if I can’t tell how much is coming through on the camera uh my neighbors the kids are outside playing it sounds like people are screaming bloody murder uh everything is okay it’s just kids playing and screaming and chasing cats and all kinds of strange noises in the background so I apologize for that uh but I wanted to get on here today and share something a little bit different with you guys and we’ll just do kind of a a quick overview walk at the edge of the back section of the rural Gardens and uh let you guys enjoy all the beautiful display of colors thanks for tuning in I appreciate everybody coming along for the little garden tour and again I’m going to keep doing a lot of these Garden series talking about all these different plants and uh kind of breaking down each Cult of and spring color and fall and so many different ideas that I have for this garden and lots of uh content that I can create and share with you guys along the way so appreciate you tuning in take care [Music] [Music] [Music]


  1. I can see your vision. It is a great plan.I know as time goes on it will just get better. Any plans for a water feature? Have a Blessed Night.

  2. Oh, I absolutely see your vision. The colors are amazing.

    That’s going to be a million dollar view from the gazebo.

  3. I can definitely see what you are working towards and it is going to be stunning. I can’t wait to see each step and the final result.

  4. I love your vision! I like the meandering paths to different "rooms" The placement of each tree looks great! Excited to follow you through this vision. Love the Metal art! Thank you for sharing

  5. A lot to take in, looking forward to seeing how you prune and shape your trees. How do you manage to protect so many young trees against late frost and a hard freeze. Here in Michigan, it’s a chore!

  6. Love all the maples. I would consider adding some cypress or arborvitae trees to the back fence for privacy and a great contrast background for the maples.

  7. You are right, that gardening is a work in progress! I look forward to seeing your vision for the Rule Garden to come to fruition! It is now and will be beautiful.

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