Garden Plans

1 DAY Garden Makeover – 1st time gardening 🫢

#satisfying #garden #gardening #makeover
Join me and my cat Mando as we try gardening for the first time and make over my garden .

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this is my garden and as you can see it’s not looking great I’ve never done any gardening in my life but when I went to little the other day I saw a bunch of plants and I felt inspired to give it a go the goal I set for myself was to do this in one day this was never meant to be a regular video I was going to release it to the channel members as a behind the scenes type of thing but I got over 100 comments asking to make it public so here it is and it is probably a slightly different style than what I normally do but I hope you enjoy it regardless so I basically started by cutting the grass and fun fact this little basket that I’m emptying I didn’t actually realize that you can take it out until the third time I was using this mower this tells you how much I know about gardening you can also see the lovely British weather that knocked off my camera and this is just what I was working with I also thought that this would be a good chance to answer some of the questions and comments that I’ve received over the last couple of years about you know where I work and my garden and fake grass that you can see in the right lower corner so that bed is actually fake and obviously everything else isn’t because I’m cutting it and the fake piece of grass is where I normally work when I work outside so that’s what you can see in my videos I know from the comments that many of you enjoy gardening so you will be probably cringing throughout this video because I don’t know anything about it but I basically wanted to make it look nice and the white wall that you can see in the video that’s where I often take pictures for my beauty shots and sometimes the before pictures and because in the summer and spring when I can take advantage of the natural light I like to take the pictures outside so I wanted to make this area look nice because you’ll be able to see that in those photos and this planter is what you can see the most often in my photos and there were just weeds in it so I just got everything out and I added some compost and the plants that I’m planting they’re only going to last one year at least most of them because I don’t really know what it’s going to look like cuz obviously they’re just tiny now and I might change my mind or just add something completely different next year I couldn’t really decide if I wanted to make an area with vegetables only because behind me I did actually have four tomato plants was it two years ago or last year I think so I did lie a little bit because that’s all the gardening that I’ve done but someone just gave me those plants and I just put them in the ground that’s that’s all and all I know about those flowers is just from the photo that are on the packaging and I don’t know how big they’re going to get so I hope they’re going to fit in those Planters but I planted quite a few because I wanted it to be colorful and in case some of them die or Mando kills them on fact my cat has a fancy selfcleaning Wi-Fi enabled lit box and he doesn’t go outside to do his business but as soon as I was finished planting those flowers I guess he just thought this was a new bazle lit box so you just used it right away I have received many comments about this fence being wobbly and yes this is true but I’m not going to fix it and I don’t want to get into the details but it will just need to be replaced completely so so I did it over two days because I started in the afternoon so I don’t feel like this is cheating and I kind of got into it so I went back to the store and I got more plants going to help me with gardening and also this is to answer your questions about Mando being friends with the neighborhood cats and there it is this is Hugo and Mando also I don’t want you to get your hopes up because as I mentioned this wasn’t never meant to be a regular video so I’m not doing anything crazy like building a new deck and swimming pool and whatever I just wanted to show you what can be done in about one day if you have no experience but put a little bit of work into it and also answer some of your questions and show you where I work and that whole you know space from a different perspective I got really into it and I got some more supplies some more flowers and I also got some strawberries tomatoes peppers and some herbs I think Mando is excited too don’t eat my flowers M I got the weeds out and I’m ready to put some more plants in starting to look Okay can decide where to put them and I think I’m going to utilize those pots as well and put some of the vegetables in them so I don’t mix them with the flowers but I think I’m going to put some of the strawberries in there because I think that will look okay what do you guys think should I put the strawberries with the flowers I was quite pleased with where this was going and everything was looking nice and clean now I wanted to address that white wall and make it look a bit more attractive so when I do take photos of my furniture pieces there’s something in the background I got those two hanging baskets that I wanted to put some plants in and fun fact I think they had a leak at the store so both of them were a bit moldy but I managed to get a good discount and when I got them home I just cleaned them with hydrogen peroxide and they just look perfectly fine when I was a kid there was a large Forest right next to my house and I remember that lily of the valley I think that’s what you call that plant is normally found in the same area as wild strawberries so I thought it was a good idea to to put the strawberries next to those plants and I think Mando was even more excited about this idea than I was and I’ve talked about it in my videos but people keep asking so Mando is Bengal cat and that means he’s half asian leopard and that’s why he’s got those marks and the name Mando comes from Mandalorian which is an amazing TV show but also that’s a character from Star Wars so if you don’t don’t know anything about it I don’t know what to tell you anyhow there was a de plant in front of my house so I just got this really cool Bush thingy I don’t know the name of it and I just put it in and it looked very cool this area is just right next to my workshop and it definitely needs some cleaning there was some M and I will clean the pavers as well but also all those flower pots they just had that plants in them so that’s where I decided to put all the veggies I think it’s just super cool to grow your own vegetables and I definitely want to learn more about it and the taste of freshly picked vegetables is just nothing like what you can buy at the store not to mention it’s very satisfying to actually see the results of your labor and grow your own vegetables as I mentioned I clean the papers I do have a pressure washer so that took a minute but I got there in the end a few moments later so this is what it’s looking like now and there is definitely a big Improvement and the pavers look great and I’m pretty happy with the rest of it as well before I do anything else I’m going to pick up a piece of furniture that I found on Facebook Marketplace so I can work on another project and get a video done for you guys this place was about an hour from where I live I’ve come to collect the next piece for my project and I thought you guys would like to see this little grumpy Beauty that’s a funny face and no I’m not going to show you the piece it will be a surprise but I think this is what I’m going to work on next you can look at the cats having fun instead as you can imagine when you work with furniture and buy lots of supplies from Amazon you collect lots of cardboard Bo es lots of pieces of wood and other trash I got a lot of crap in the back of my garden behind my workshop and I just need to take this to the tip so that’s what I did fortunately it’s actually closed by and it took me only one trip I was able to take all of it now it’s time to make it a bit more cozy and hang some solar light those were actually on the fence already but I think they don’t work so I might need to replace them I get some solar lights I’m just going to put them together and I also got these lights that you can put on the fence there are some lights on the fence already those are old but they work so I think I’m just going to leave them there and the new ones are going to go on the other side that was super easy literally just one screw and obviously you can’t see the effect during the day and I’ll try to take some pictures when it gets darker but knowing the weather it’s probably going to rain so can’t promise after hanging those slides I put some in the ground as well and they have very similar design and I don’t even remember if they’re made by the same company but I think they look cool I think it’s going to make all the difference when I’m able to sit outside on those warm summer evenings and talking about something to sit on here’s a little table and two chairs so I can sit outside enjoy the sunshine and have a nice cup of coffee and if I get tired I might even want to relax a little bit in a hammock I know this is completely different from what I normally do but I hope you guys enjoyed it and well you did ask for this video so it’s your fault if you didn’t enjoy the final beuty shots and see you in the next video well not yet there it is for for


  1. I thought I had a small yard. I gave the yard to my dog, and the cat guards the front porch. I planted peonie bulbs. Haven't been to look for them yet.
    I love that Mando is showing his sweet personality.

  2. It looks fabulous! Be sure and give them lots of water the first couple weeks, unless the British weather does it for you. 💚

  3. That was a nice change of pace. I hope you're rewarded with a bumper crop of fruit and veggies. No matter how good of a gardener someone is, there will always be some plants that don't thrive, so don't get disheartened if you lose some. Just research each plant a bit to make sure you have the best chance of success.

  4. Ваши видео всегда прекрасны, обновление мебели или обновление сада вы все делаете великолепно! С приветом из Варшавы!

  5. I love what you did! It will look so nice as it grows and fills in. The vegetables will be so enjoyable too! I’m excited for you! The garden and yard look wonderful. I like your pavers and wall too! ❤❤

  6. Lovely, Jay! All you lack is a fire pit for cooler nights. The flowers will add so much color. Your neighbors may be envious, so don't be surprised if you find an interloper in your new garden! Cheers from Oklahoma!!!

  7. You don’t need to know anything about gardening, at first. Just the desire to get your hands dirty is the first step. Also, there are a plethora of books by the UK’s own Alan Titchmarsh and Monty Don to get you started and keep you going. Thanks for sharing with the public.

  8. I started a veggie garden last year. I have chooks so the beds are fenced to keep them out. We are near a wildlife reserve and I didn’t count on rats. Little &$#@ ate nearly everything I managed to grow……..the year I will battle on 😊

  9. Why not treat the fence with used engine oil? It's practical, cheap, and looks good. Unless it is prohibited by law in your country.

  10. Make sure you keep an eye on the electric cord when using the mower. It's not good running over it, can be shocking. Love your pussy.

  11. I like this video! You have a beautiful garden. What a haven from our crazy world.

    I have a brown thumb, LOL. I have the dubious honor of having killed an aloe vera plant, but in my defense it took my kitten four servings. After her first snack, I called my vet in a panic, only for him to tell me to keep an eye on her for the next day or so after I told him that the only digestive issue she had was the noticeable burp when I took away the plant. He laughed when I told him that!

    When I took her in for her regular visit, the vet commented on her beautiful glossy and soft fur. I told him that it might be the plant. The fourth time she got caught snacking on my poor plant, she was down to her whiskers in the dirt trying to get into the roots! Yes, I tried to keep it away from her and alive, but she was determined.

    I later found out that the local horse rescue adds aloe to the feed if a horse comes to them with hoof or coat issues. It didn’t surprise me much!

  12. Thank you, loved seeing this side of your life, your creativity and desire to grow and learn is inspiring.

  13. Your hard work pays off yet again! 💪🏼 Your garden looks lovely!🌹I hope all your plants thrive & the oasis you've built brings you peace & happiness! 🌱💖

  14. Love the garden makeover and loooove mondo. Same amount of loveable and craziness as my fur baby. If I’m being picky, sorry, maybe it’s time to nourish the fence and planter box? But your gardening is my level completely.

  15. Jay, You made it look so inviting. You will enjoy your outdoor space so much more now. Mando and Hugo are so entertaining. I would just want to sit out there and watch them all day.

  16. Loved seeing you ‘having a go’ as we say here I n Australia. It looks so much neater and fresher now. Also loved seeing Mando having fun with you working outside (and Hugo!). It had crossed my mind that Mando might be named after Mandalorian, but then thought it unlikely! 😝😁

  17. No! Don’t put strawberries with flowers!! Wild strawberries get along with any flower, but not grown hybrid strawberries.

  18. Nice to see you digging. 😄 I love gardening. I don’t have a yard where I live now. I miss it.

    I don’t know if anyone has said anything yet about them…
    You will need to get tomato cages for your plants. It gives them the structure they need as they grow.

  19. Been lurking for a while but what a great idea and you did a terrific job cleaning up your yard.

  20. Mando is enjoying the gardening day! Great Idea to take a short break and just have some fun time planting beautiful flowers, vegetables and ofher green stuff. With your kitty supervising everything, of course. It made a positive difference at your garden and at your life.

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