
Advice on what to plant for long term?

Zone 5b south central Wisconsin.

I’ve got about two feet next to the house(by the water spigot), and about four feet next to the porch where the gutter drains.

Clearly it looks terrible.

I’m looking for something an idiot lawn/landscape caretaker like me can pull off and will be low maintenance. Was considering, if it exists:

A. A 4-6 ft thin conifer that can be planted that close to foundation next to the house (if that exists)

B. A shorter conifer in front of that next to the porch, or a second of whatever goes next to the house. Give a little barrier next to the porch.

C. Some sort of 3ish foot flower box (maybe grow herbs) for the side of the porch between the house and post.

Any thoughts, advice, links?

Appreciate the consideration.

by dflow608

1 Comment

  1. CerebralAssazin

    I’m in 5b as well, my Lilly’s do well and have been in the ground for as long as I’ve owned my home (20 years)

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