@Garden Answer

Garden Answer: Planting a Butterfly Bush, Penstemon & A Ton of Groundcover Veronica! 🌿🩷🌿 // Garden Answer

‘Midnight Masquerade’ Penstemon – https://bit.ly/2t5e5Rq
‘Miss Molly’ Butterfly Bush Buddleia – https://bit.ly/4bdSCK1
Espoma Bio Tone – https://bit.ly/4akvngl

Proven Winners – https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic – https://www.espoma.com/
Power Planter Augers – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/power-planter
Hartley Botanic – https://hartley-botanic.com/
FELCO – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/felco

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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. Lots of cleaning up today around your hebe. And looks so much better around there now you have clean up the willow tree. And beautiful butterfly brush just love the colour. And we're you put it to so beautiful.

  2. I'm sorry I didn't even watch the planting of the butterfly bush.Samantha was just to cute and sweet with the little statue.She was talking and hugging it.also giving it kisses she was so loving in her make believe.❤

  3. I'm curious, do you have tips on sourcing sterile Buddleia? They're beautiful but where I'm at in western Washington they're a real invasive problem.

  4. Statue under the willow deserves to be main feature don’t really think it needs flowers, maybe stone accents or concrete urn of ferns and flowers?

  5. I just love butterfly bushes. I planted 4 of them on my property and they all died. What did I do wrong? They were all in full sun, I'm in zone 8b and we have sand not much soil. I probably amended the area…. Perhaps I loved them too much? I want to plant more but was burned by the $$ loss of those.

  6. Always exciting to see what is going in your already beautiful garden. These were great additions and I see your groundcover game is getting stronger! Thanks for sharing

  7. i love love love Penstemon of any kind. I just planted a Red Riding Hood variety. It is so sweet. Pinkish salmon color. I am obsessed. I wish they stayed blooming longer. What would be a great neighbor to plant next to it that would be in bloom when the Penstemon is done flowering? Laura I just got my kneeling pad from you. The best quality and cushion of any I already have. Thank you. Samantha talking to that statue at 8:27 was so sweet then she gives it a little kiss goodbye.

  8. Since you're planning to expand the flower bed by the willow and you have equipment for heavy lifting now, would you consider moving the Hebe statue (and the perennials) out from under the willow so that you don't have to prune it anymore?

  9. Laura I love willow trees, have you and Aaron thought about planting some more along the back fence line for privacy as well, where the new homes are being built. They grow fast and fill out so beautiful

  10. Hey going through a drip line is much better than going through the pipe that goes to your pond 🤦🏼‍♀️. I don’t think I’ve ever moved that fast to turn the power off to our pond. I just wanted some saxifrage next to my pond😅.

  11. ? at minute 16:30, you are talking about the honeysuckle. Could you please share where that trellis is from? it is really nice, was it custom made or is it available online somewhere or was the metal part of it separate and added to the posts? It is really attractive. I need something like that for my garden for a trailing plant. Thank you.

  12. GAH!! Samantha kissing and hugging on that statue!!!🥰🥰🥰. I just wanted to reach into the tv and give her a big hug and kiss on the cheek! So sweet!

  13. Those apricot-orange tulips where you planted the penstemon are breathtaking! Orange is such an underrated color in the gardening world. 🧡

  14. I wish I was friends with Laura. I need Willow for weaving right now! It would be so wonderful to just get a bunch of that for free. Watching the clean up is so satisfying! I wish garden cleanup went as fast as it looks in this video.

  15. Hi Laura, Aaron and kiddos, Everything is looking so beautiful! You teach me a lot everyday! Lots of new fun changes going on at your place! Cannot wait for the addition of extended pond area. It will be so beautiful! Thanks for all you do!🌺

  16. Does anyone else have trouble with penstemon spreading EVERYWHERE. My neighbors are actually complaining!

  17. 😂😂 Your greeting tone when seeing Douglas “hello Douglas” reminded me of Seinfeld … ‘Hello Neuman’ 😂😂, wondering what trouble is ahead!!😂
    Samantha kissing the statue… priceless ❤️❤️

  18. Thanks for showing the frost damage. I assumed that’s what happened to my roses and now I know as I am close to your location.

  19. Why don’t you trim the willow leaves that are on the ground? Do you find it difficult to know where the drip line is now since it is buried? Do you not let Paul or his sister trim bushes? Sorry for so many questions, just curious.

  20. Have you ever thought about creating a botanical garden for your area that would bring in tourists? (Not on your property of course. I would want my privacy.) I think it would be a great community service and something that people would go out of their way to see.

  21. Your property is absolutely gorgeous! Is there a beekeeper nearby you who’s reaping the benefits of your gorgeous flowers? ❤

  22. Oh my goodness. Samantha was the hit of the video today. ♥️♥️♥️. I was drinking my morning coffee, watching your video and the mailman delivered my kneeling pad. It is amazing. I immediately kneeled down on it with my 70 year old knees and it is amazing. I can’t wait to get out in my garden with it. Thank you so much.

  23. Samantha is always so stylish! I need to up my gardening attire 😅. I really like the Veronica ground cover-something else to add to my “need” list. ☺️

  24. Hi, Laura.
    Do you think when people are looking to buy or build in your neighborhood, they are shown your yard? I'm sure you raise the property values. And the celebrity factor. I love your shows, I watch you every morning to start my day.

  25. Hi Laura 🌺. Well done . You worked hard . The color of the butterfly bush and the penstemon are stunning and they are going to be amazing in your garden . Have a great day . 🌺🌻🌺

  26. Beautiful flowers do you trim your butterfly bush to a tree when it gets bigger, I do mine are purple. The tree you just trimmed on one side it would look better if you trimmed it all the way around my opinion. I could watch you all day you are so much fun.

  27. Laura don't forget to mention the beautiful blooming trees also as you go along. At 22;19 you were showing the Privots and oh my the tree behind you was in full glorious bloom. I think it was screaming LOOK AT ME!

  28. Will you root any of the willow branches to make more willow trees? That could be any easy way to get more trees for your border. Everything is looking beautiful!

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