
How did they achieve this bed style? I can’t figure out what is separating the bed from the grass. Hindsight, I wish I’d snuck onto their driveway to look, but it was very late at night. I want to duplicate this myself – I don’t care if it’s a very labor intensive endeavor. Advice? 🙏🙏🙏

How did they achieve this bed style? I can’t figure out what is separating the bed from the grass. Hindsight, I wish I’d snuck onto their driveway to look, but it was very late at night. I want to duplicate this myself – I don’t care if it’s a very labor intensive endeavor. Advice? 🙏🙏🙏

by Worldly_Advisor007


  1. revoltreggae

    Looks to me that are using an edger. You can use that combined with edging material to keep the grass from creeping

  2. kommissar26

    It’s just a trench/english edge. I tore out all my stone edging and did this. Just clean it up once in the spring with a shovel then hit it with a weedwacker when you mow, super low maintenance

  3. Lucky-Mix-8176

    I do this with mine. I use a shovel to clean up my trenches every year and then an edger to keep the lines clean. I don’t use a barrier and it’s been fine.

  4. kibblestanley

    It’s also important to note that the sod portion is entirely tall fescue, which does not creep/spread thru rhizomes, ect. If your sod contains bluegrass, zoysia, clover, ect.. it’ll be much harder to maintain that clean line

  5. Otherwise-Mind8077

    After you edge it. Use a trowel to dig a small trench along it. This causes the grass roots to air prune themselves so it doesn’t spread easily. Don’t let any soil or mulch butt up to the grass roots.

  6. CherryMess

    It’s called a [Victorian]( trench edge. I do it in our garden in 3 big flower beds. Maintenance is okay-ish:
    – one major edging in early spring with removing all the grass that crept onto the flowerbeds, deepening the trench, and mulching.
    – once a month or every other mowing going with an edger over the edge to keep the neat sharp look.
    – another major edging with deepening the trench closer to fall, depending on how much the edge got overgrown or washed away by rain (we are on the slope, so it’s common).

    I use the electric Ego edger. Fast, but not the most comfortable tool for my 5’2 frame with short arms.

  7. Heardaboutthat

    Ours is edged the same, no border or material. Grab a 2×4 and a shovel. The 2×4 to create the line you want and dig the mulch bed down lower than the grass.

  8. This is how my beds are. Basically I edge every 3-5 days

  9. Fish_canoe_Camp

    So to achieve that you need a deep edge like shown, but to maintain that look all summer long, you need to edge the beds with a string trimmer holding it vertically every other-ish week.

  10. NormalStudent7947

    Maybe one of those long, metal edges? (Sorry I don’t know the name.) It’s green metal, about 4” high and very long.

  11. SevensAteSixes

    It’s called a shovel cut edge. Give it a goog.

    Sorry if someone already mentioned.

  12. Music-Guilty

    Natural edge, I bust that out with a spade

  13. Birdsandflan1492

    I’ve done that. I just used a shovel. lol. Looks nice, but you have to use a string edger for upkeep.

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