Garden Plans

SPRING VLOG: We Finally Named Him! New Hair, Flower Garden Plans, Candle Haul & Honest TTPD Thoughts

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Come to the salon with me

Purple bodysuit outfit
New amazon sunglasses
Striped button down
Makeup I was wearing
Grey sweatshirt

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#vlog #dayinthelife #spring

woo so I just picked up my Bath & Body
Works order I am so glad that I did an
order pickup because it’s so busy in
there um all of their 3 candles are like
$10 off or whatever used to be two for
20 back in the day now it’s like just
$10 off so they’re like $16 this morning
I just like did some editing and I also
randomly today decided that I’m going to
do a flower garden this year we have
like no Landscaping at all like
whatsoever at my house and I really have
never really cared um and now I’m like
you know what maybe I’ll do a little
something something just to like make it
pretty I’ll put some inspiration on the
board here I had my hood on so that I
didn’t get completely soaked um but I’ve
just been watching like videos all
morning on like how to do it what
flowers I’d like so I made a list of the
flowers that I love like a really really
long list but for sure I know I want
zenas Cosmos snapdragons dollia sweet
peas and then most likely baby’s breath
forget me kns and black eyed Susan and I
know that that’s a lot of flowers but I
think I have a decent amount of space to
do this and I’m just really excited so
I’m just like doing a lot of research
I’m listening to like YouTube videos
where people like talk about like what
to do and stuff cuz to be honest like
before today I knew zero about it I
didn’t even know that it was a thing
like I’ve seen pictures on Pinterest
that I’ve pinned to my different
Pinterest boards and it looks just like
a flower field but like in a garden type
of form and I didn’t really know like
what that was even called or how to do
that or anything about it and then I
just started doing a little bit of
research today and I am excited
so yes I’m I’m getting excited to do
that now I have to just decide if I’m
going to do like indoor planting and
then transfer them outside or if I’m
going to do just straight seed in the
ground instead of like transporting them
um I can use all the tips because I’m
literally like brand new I know zilch
like nothing at all so please share your
tips because I’m just excited and then
I’ve always wanted like an actual
Garden that to me seems way more
overwhelming I don’t know why so I think
I would like to start with jalapenos cuz
that’s something that we eat a lot and I
know for a fact that we would eat those
and onion is the other thing but I’ve
heard that onion’s difficult but anyway
I’m going to start with the
flowers let me show you what I got Bath
and Body
Works hopefully it’s not too loud in
here it is pouring rain and this is the
first time that I’ve left the dogs alone
I put the new one in the crate um so he
didn’t terrorize pretzel but um we have
a little we call it the baby monitor but
it’s just like a little camera that we
put up for When We’re Gone um anyway I
got another one of the B White Sands
soap I’m obsessed with this it smells
amazing amazing it’s like one of my
favorite scents I’ve ever smelled for
hand soap um so I got another one of
these to put upstairs in the bathroom
and then I found out that they also have
a candle I’ve actually never smelled the
candle before but I figure it’s going to
smell just like the handam soap so I
also got the
candle oh my
gosh ah I should have got two of these I
figured like no need to just go buy a
100 candles right now start with one and
then when I’m done with it I can come
and get another one oh that’s so good so
good and then I
also replenished my fresh cut lilx
candle which is one of my favorites
ever oh that’s so
fresh this is just this is what I want
my backyard to look like just like my
whole yard actually just that’s what I
want that’s the vibe so anyway I’m just
going to head home now I don’t know how
much I’m going to actually Vlog
today I just wanted to share this little
haul um because when I get home I’m just
going to research more about flowers and
probably do some editing Reuben is
working today I this was a really weird
weekend because usually on the weekends
we don’t work um we just like do stuff
around the house or whatever but um
because we didn’t really do much all
week it just kind of felt right to work
so um it’s weird I’ve just been working
this weekend and so is Ruben and it’s
weird that it’s Sunday but actually on
the way home I’m going to stop at Baskin
because they so side note Ruben always
has this like funny thing with Basin
Robbins I’ll be like hey what do you
want what ice cream do you want he
always says what’s the flavor of the
month he always wants to try the new
flavor and it’s just so funny um but
March’s flavor of the month was but the
flavor of the month for March was
mexican chocolate brownie I think it’s
called I am not kidding this was the
best ice cream both of us have ever had
it’s like a rich deep chocy mexican
chocolate ice cream with Oreo and then
it had cinnamon in it oh my gosh it’s
amazing so unfortunately because it’s
the flavor of the month it’s limited
edition I’m not kidding all of bask and
robins’s best flavors are always limited
edition they had one for Halloween um
not this past Halloween but the
Halloween before like October of
2022 and that one had like Oreo
Butterfinger chocolate swirl like it was
so good that was Ruben’s favorite for
forever and like he’s tried to recreate
it and now this Mexican chocolate
brownie is like top tier and I’d have to
agree it’s so good so the um Basin
Robbins that’s in the town right here
last time we checked last week they
still had it but all of the rest of them
don’t have it like they sold out or
whatever so I am just going to go take a
gander see if they have it because I’m
going to surprise him with two courts if
they do have it and that will just make
Reuben’s day so um and mine honestly I I
really want some to it’s so good so
anyway that’s my plan I’ve totally
fogged up this whole car but yeah I’m
going to do some more research on a
flower garden I am I’m really looking
forward to it and I feel like it’s going
to be really nice to have something to
just like work on and think about like
just just a fun hobby so I just think
it’d be so fun to like make my own
bouquets and I never thought about that
I never really realized like I really
enjoy flow like making flower
arrangements but I don’t do it to the
cap capacity that I would like because
Flowers can be expensive and I’m not
trying to spend like $50 to $100 a month
on making different flower arrangements
for myself so how cool would it be to
have like my own flower garden to create
my own little arrangements and stuff and
then you can bless other people with
like creating arrangements for them and
just I don’t know it’s making me really
excited well hello it feels like it’s a
completely different lifetime away I
don’t really do weekly Vlogs I do like a
day in the life and Vlog all in one day
so this is just like little pieces
throughout this week so it’s funny
because like two weeks ago it was
raining snowing really gloomy and the
last couple days it’s starting to get
warmer and today all of a sudden it’s
75° it feels so hot in comparison to how
cold it’s been so I’m wearing a tank top
or like a bodysuit or whatever and some
jeans and I’m sweating it feels glorious
but I want to quickly uh do my lip
really quick I’m meeting I’m meeting up
with Amanda and our friend Abby for
lunch Abby lives in Indianapolis so they
did makeup in the city and now we’re
going to meet for lunch while aby’s in
town so I of course applied four things
on my lip um I mixed together the skin
by Kim lip liners this is nude 6 and
this is Nude 3 I did nude six as like a
border and it’s a little more cool toned
oh here I can see better over here newe
three kind of blend
and then YSL sent me some lipsticks
which was a very exciting package to
receive this is oh gosh Rouge volupt
shine in 162 it’s just this beautiful
like Rosy lipstick looks like that and
I’m just dotting
it it just adds a little bit of pink to
lip and then lastly to top it all off
which I I feel like this just kind of
makes it this is the Dior um lip
maximizer lip
gloss run through my hair with a comb it
is like windy and just glorious and I am
going to open up my uh the [ __ ] is this
called sunroof just let it go I need a
good playlist I’m just I am loving today
oh also really quick I want to show you
my new sunglasses that I got and I
forgot that I had these because I put
them in my car and then forgot about
them but you know I’m obsessed with
these like bougie ass ones that I got
from Chanel uh 3 years ago it’s
literally all I wear ever I just think
these are the most flattering sunglasses
on me but I wanted something a little
bit more trendy so I got these for like
$10 on Amazon and I love them they give
me Meredith Blake
Vibes how cute they are crooked cuz
again they’re like like
but I feel so cute how cute are
these so trendy um but anyway I’m going
to head out there like this restaurant
isn’t actually that far away but for
whatever reason traffic on the way there
is always a lot and so I feel like it
always takes me much longer than I
expect it to take me so yeah let’s go we
were catching the light from the window
looking up you driving slow I can see
through it all with my eyes closed we
were never meant to be alone there was a
part of me that couldn’t let couldn’t
let go needed remembering I’m not on my
own I go where you
go knocks on my
window let’s keep it
simple well hello so I just got my hair
done and I am so in love with it this is
probably the fa like my most favorite
hair transformation she did such a good
job I’m um doing a separate video solely
on me going to the salon and like the
breakdown of everything that she does so
check that out if you’re curious and
want to see the transformation here’s
the before and after um now I need to go
pick up my dogs because I left them at
um my in-law’s house normally pretel is
totally fine all by herself but he’s
still being potty trained even though
all week we’ve had zero accidents which
is very exciting um
but I didn’t want to leave him for that
long and he hasn’t been left alone
without the cage and I just didn’t want
to leave him in the cage for hours so
he’s at my in-law’s
house so I’m going to go pick them up I
just applied a little bit of um nude
beige from
NYX I feel like I did it a little too
dark yeah that is the
plan do a little bit of this see what
does that’s better just nothing words
you’re going to change the way you back
well what would you say like I’d be like
what does a typical day for you look
like what’s your relationship with your
family what kind of foods do you like
what do you like to do on the weekends
what’s your favorite sports team last
concert You’ been through previous
relationships any food allergies what
was your previous relationship like
we’re not that deep yet just picked up
the dogs from my in-laws they are
probably so exhausted because they have
a dog named Libby and they were all just
like playing together so adorable now
we’re headed home cuz we’re supposed to
get a pretty decent storm and I’d like
to get there before it starts so that’s
what we’re
doing okay man is the lighting okay I
think this is good so I got my hair done
I love it in different lighting it looks
so different like right here I feel like
it looks really light but then if I’m in
an area that doesn’t have as much
natural light it looks really dark and
like almost brunette and I love it yeah
I got it done a couple days ago
and it’s so strange but I just feel more
like myself with this color which is
just the weirdest feeling
because I mean it makes sense because
it’s my natural color it’s like the
color that I was supposed to be um I
feel like it really makes my eyes pop
but I’ve just been blonde for so long
and also had like an addiction to being
blonde for so long that being this color
I’m surprised at how just comfortable I
am with it that I’m not like freaking
out at all like I feel just really good
he is like just going crazy with that
toy would you please come here come here
dude I really wanted to share his name
because we finally picked one um this is
peety this is pey I feel like every name
on the list we really loved and I think
that’s why it took us a while to figure
something out because all of those would
have worked so well for him okay you can
go play now here you go yeah everything
on the list would have worked so well
for him all of the food names would have
been perfect but it came down to
honestly me just picking the name
because we actually named him a
different name for like 3 days but it
just did not roll off the tongue we
watched um Big Daddy and and I loved the
Frankenstein because he just like is so
much like the kid in that movie and so
we actually named him that for a couple
of days and it just like it was hard to
say so we just ended up changing it um I
just love pety I think that it really
fits him it fits his personality and
when people in my when I’ve told people
in my life what his name is they’re like
oh that makes so much sense his
personality is a py um there were a lot
of comments saying I should name him
peanut we actually call pretzel peanut
all the time and we call him peanut
anything that’s like small in size why
is my my hair’s so greasy right now
anything that’s like small we say peanut
like you’re a little peanut I say that
about babies like oh you’re just a
little peanut
so um he will be basically called Peanut
as well because we already do call him
peanut but um yeah we kind of use it as
more of like a term of endearment I
guess is that the right terminology but
yeah pey and now they both have P names
yeah do you like your
name yeah you like your name
ly we have let me just give a little
update on him cuz now we’ve had him for
some time
um the humping is just hey um that’s a
no that’s a no not my clothes you can
have a toy the humping just like is not
a problem anymore it took only like 3 or
4 days and then of us just being like no
no no and he stopped he doesn’t do it at
all anymore and he and pretel can just
like play like
normal she is definitely more chill than
he is he’s got lots of high energy puppy
personality so he wants to play a lot
but he’s doing really well at like
figuring out what her boundaries are and
respecting them to a certain extent um
she just likes to sleep under blankets
and like have her alone time and he’s
like like right now he really wants to
play with her and she’s under that
blanket he just went over there sniffed
her she growled and he walked away so
they’re doing really well we went over
to my in-law’s house and they have a dog
and pretzel and pety ganged up on the
other one which is perfect cuz that one
their dog is a lot bigger so it was just
so cute seeing them like work
together um what else what else is new
the potty training is going so well
we’ve only had two total accidents this
week and both of them were my fault for
not getting him out sooner um but yeah
what I’m doing is just taking him out
once an hour so that he can really get
it ingrained that that’s where he goes
um the peeee drips on the couch is
almost all the way resolved because I
wipe his I wipe him up after every time
he goes to the bathroom it is a lot to
have to do that all the time but I’m
just in a habit of it and I would rather
do that than have all of these little
yellow green dress strips everywhere
um but yeah the neutering I don’t we
still don’t know if we’re going to do it
or not um I know that a lot of people
recommended it but I just need more
information um before we just go
deciding to do it but yeah everything’s
been really good we are getting back
into like a normal routine and he’s
really acclimating here I still haven’t
left him for longer than like 2 hours in
the cage um I don’t want to just leave
him out
because he is still a puppy and I feel
like he can get into things and I don’t
want him to get into something that he’s
not supposed to cuz so far that we’ve
had him I’ve pretty much had my eyes on
him basically the whole time that we’ve
had him um either Reuben or myself and
so far so good like he hasn’t really
gotten into anything that he’s not
supposed to really he found one of
Reuben’s um it wasn’t an airpod but it’s
like an offbrand like earbud kind of
thing and he was just like munching on
it and chewing on it I’m like where did
you even find that like it must have
just been on the ground or something him
which is our own fault um he doesn’t
really seem to like get into something
and then like just now he was pulling on
my shirt and if I just tell him no he
stop so he’s a really good dog um but he
is a puppy so but so far so good
everything’s been going really well and
I love his little name I feel like it
just really embodies who he is he’s just
he’s just a py and we can call him Pete
I figure when he’s bad I’ll call him
Peter even though his name’s not Peter
it’s py that’s the update that that’s
name and I think like for the food names
I’ll be like oh you’re a little Pringle
oh you’re a little bagel and just kind
of like use them as like little
nicknames or whatever um but yeah update
on my hair I I just love it I keep
staring at it in the viewfinder because
I’m just in shock at just how much I
love it I knew I was going to love it
because my hair stylist is amazing but I
just didn’t realize how much I was going
to love it it is like my new favorite
thing I got my nails done earlier this
week but one of them already started
chipping so I want to fix it because I
don’t I do not want this nail to break
I’m about to go to the grocery store and
get some things for dinner tonight um so
this is what my nails look like love
them they’re getting so long um but yeah
this is the one that broke so I need to
get the rest of the nail polish off so
that I can paint them the color that I
have is put it in neutral from OPI
you’ll see this in my glowup video
actually bring you to the salon and
everything but
um yeah I’m going to fix that today was
a weird day I so I had this day
scheduled in my calendar because I
wanted to react and film myself reacting
to the new Taylor Swift album and then
she goes and launches a whole second
album to it it’s kind of like well it’s
like a double album but on the the Same
album I don’t really understand that but
it’s like double the songs it’s 31 songs
so I sat down to react to it and I have
such mixed emotions on this album there
are some songs that I love love love
love love and then there are other ones
where I’m like I don’t love but then
there are other songs where I’m like I
can tell that this is going to be a song
that I end up loving so Evermore was
that type of an album for me when I
first heard songs on Evermore I was like
oh these are like really sad depressing
they all kind of sound the same and now
like Evermore I think is one of my top
favorite albums and I listen to songs
from there that
like get me in my soul make me cry like
all the things and I think that this
album will eventually become that
because there are some songs that are
just like I don’t know they kind of
sound the same but what’s interesting is
the whole first half of the album is
produced by Jack antinoff and then the
second half is mainly produced by Aaron
dner and Aaron dner is who worked with
Taylor on folklore and Evermore Jack
antinoff worked with her on midnights so
you get like this
full-blown separate vibe from this album
it’s like two completely different Vibes
and then there’s a couple songs that
remind me of like her earlier music like
fearless and debut so um and those songs
I’m just like they caught me off guard
and I actually wasn’t really a fan um
but so I don’t know I feel like it was a
lot to listen to in one sitting and
maybe I shouldn’t have done done that
because by the end my re I had no
reaction because I was just like yeah
that was good next okay let’s get
through this next so I did record it but
I just I’m I I don’t think I’m going to
post it because I don’t know if I had
the best reaction and I was talking to
Amanda about this too I just feel like a
lot of times you have to listen to songs
over and over and over again before you
like actually fall in love with them I
feel like that for a lot of my favorite
songs that are out there sometimes s a
song will like you’ll hear it and
immediately fall in love um and for me
that is so long London on this album as
soon as I heard that I just fell in love
with it and I’ve listened to it like 10
times already I’m obsessed um I also
love Florida with Florence and the
Machine such a good collaboration and
then fortnite with post Malone which um
how long until the music video comes out
comes out in an hour and a half which
I’m excited for that because the music
video looks amazing I hope hope hope
hope that the music video version
features more post Malone or if it
doesn’t I’m hoping that she comes out
with a version of fortnite featuring
more post Malone just like she did with
snow on the beach with Lana Del Rey
because that version of snow on the
beach is like top tier um I did feel
like we were missing Lana in snow on the
beach anyway those are my thoughts so
far on the new album I am really loving
it there are some songs that are like
very focal Flor and ever morees anyway
I’m going to paint my nail not Nails my
nail and then after that once it’s like
dried and cured and stuff I’m going to
run to the grocery store so that’s my
little update this has been a really
strange Vlog because I never do a vlog
this long over time like normally I do
like a day in the life and so there’s
like a book end so it starts in the
morning ends at night then life got a
little busy life got a little crazy and
then then it ended up extending over the
week and then it extended into the
second week and so it’s weird I don’t
even know what this Vlog is going to
like become or like what it’s going to
end up being edited to look like I have
no idea because I I have no idea what is
in this so yeah I’m just going to piece
it together I have done that in the past
but ever since I started like vlogging
regularly I just don’t do that because I
don’t know why I don’t do that what do
you prefer actually I feel like when I
watch people do like week week like a
week in the life or whatever I like it
cuz I get a variety of things and I
don’t know it’s it’s weird how my brain
works sometimes but anyways I’m going to
paint my nail I’m done rambling that is


  1. Make sure to look into which flowers like to be started indoors and which ones like to be direct seated. Also make sure you understand how to harden off plants that are started indoors. And also see which types of flowers like to be pinched off after they start growing. It is a method to make them produce more branches, which then produce more flowers.

  2. Try a wildflower mix and sow into ground. Get some miracle grow soil to start some in indoor trays. I have zinnias, cosmos, hollyhocks and bachelors buttons in garden now and coming up. You can do this 🙂

  3. I would recommend neutering him now before he has prostate issues. I just neutered mine at 6 years old because of prostate issues.

  4. I still cannot believe that you have two dogs still because I know that for so long it was just pretzel and you guys love her so much but I think it’s perfect for you guys. You guys are adorable all of you 🎉 it’s great. What a cute family.

  5. Also, at this point we’ve already seen the hair transformation video and your hair is beautiful and I love your stylist. She is the coolest sweetest girl ever. If I lived closer, I would go to her, but it would be a few hours for me to get there. Since I live in St. Louis.

  6. Yes! Im really trying to plant some things this year…but this year im trying to do like the most durable flowers ya know? Like ones that can hold up during like wind and rain and the heat…well typical Midwest summers

    Tip- if you want you real nails to hold up to gel, maybe try dip powder? My real nails could never grow out too long with just gel polish because it weighed the nail down. But with dip powder, it almost acts like acrylic, but its not.

  7. I have a flower bed along the back of the house. I only plant perennials because they come back every year. I live in Louisisana , so I am sure that helps. But even when we freeze, they come back. I have ferns, hostas, day lillies, gladiolas, agapanthas, amaryllis. I planted some bulbs last year and they grew quickly and did well.

  8. Hi Brianna! I’m so excited for you to plant your own flower garden 🌸 it’s a big learning curve. BUT… omg, SO rewarding! I’ve literally been ti the garden centre today to get my perennials for my patio pots! 🪴 great vlog! Love from the UK ❤ xxx

  9. Vet tech here — for big dogs we are recommending waiting to neuter until at least a year (sometimes 2-3 pending on breed). Since I know he’s a rescue and it’s hard to tell his age, if you are capable of responsibly handling an intact dog, I’d wait at least 6 more months. 😊 joint benefits for waiting! However, not waiting too long as keeping male dogs intact increases likelihood of testicular and protester cancers/problem which are absolutely preventable with neutering. Please get him neutered eventually!

  10. So excited to see your flower garden in the future. And I like daily or weekly vlogs . They are both fun to watch.

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