@Garden Answer

Garden Answer: Replacing Berry Plants, Smokebush Rejuvenation Prune & Viburnum Planting! 🫐✂️🌿 // Garden Answer

Spice Baby™ Viburnum – https://bit.ly/2ZqHcQc

Proven Winners – https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic – https://www.espoma.com/
Power Planter Augers – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/power-planter
Hartley Botanic – https://hartley-botanic.com/
FELCO – https://www.gardenanswer.com/collections/felco

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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. Thanks for the great videos Laura and Aaron! I love your show and watch you every day. Question: I remember you planting honey berries once. How did that ever turn out? Do you still have them?
    We planted a few 2 years ago and the y are finally producing. Kinda sour though. But a fun plant.

  2. Thinking a creeping ground cover perennial that smells good when walked upon would be interesting around picnic table… So enjoy your channel. Makes my solidary life joyful.

  3. Wowser you really did hit that bird feeder. You should have Aaron look at it. Birds poop all over the place. So you’re going to want to take some rubbing alcohol and disinfect the wound. 😊Stay safe that’s only if you have a wound.

  4. ❤Bless your heart. I hit my head last November and it is still tender. Never seen you make a misstep, beware of bird feeders and droppings.😮

  5. Your poor sweet girl, bumping your pretty head. Ouch 🤕! Darn, late frost.😂 This was so fun, thank you.😊

  6. Laura I have a question My June hosts got hit with a frost and they were leafed out but are mush now Are they doomed or if I remove the mushy leaves will they survive for next year I appreciate all your wisdom and artistry of your garden Thank you

  7. Hi Laura, Received my Garden Answer kneeling pad today. After unboxing I immediately threw it on the kitchen floor and plopped down on it. LOL! 😊 It's so soft and supportive, love it! Thanks for making these available.

  8. Thanks for the Tip that the Land and Sea is more acid. We're in alkaline soil in TX and I'll remember that!

  9. Do you still have Cheddar? I see one red cat in videos sometimes but not two at the same time. It is hard to tell the difference between Chedder and Russell from a distance. 😊😊😊

  10. I always think Viburnums are highly underrated and under-used. Once established, they're a very hardy shrub and many of them are spectacular! SO glad to see them being used and promoted here!

  11. Ouch, Girl!!! I bet that hurt. Loved the slow mo guys. Love watching you. You inspire me so much. I just bought a Prariefire crabapple tree because of you. It was beautiful this spring. Can't wait to see it in the fall.

  12. Love your videos Laura! You inspire me to do more…So, I have Nature's willow to start and end my day (like the TinMan's oil can), and my "latte" colored nails to hide the groun in dirt. What do you use for a hand cream? After a long day playing in the dirt, my hands can feel like sandpaper!! I look forward to getting another "Laura recommended" product🙂🌻Thank you …businesses must love you !!!

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