Vegetable Gardening

I Messed Up!

I accidentally bumped these beauties off the plant while preparing cuttings for propagation. These would have been a beautiful terracotta color.

Should I let them sit a few days to see if they turn or make fried green tomatoes? A few other plants grown at the same are starting to ripen.

by Waste_Mycologist2956


  1. Growing up, I loved sweet pickled green tomatoes.

  2. Risingsunsphere

    There is only one answer: Fried green tomatoes, and then you will go from “I messed up” to “this is perfect!”

  3. bogwitchsupreme

    You could put them in a brown paper bag with a ripened tomato. They give off gases that signal the others to ripen. I’ve heard bananas work, too.

  4. NormalStudent7947

    If you tomatoes are supposed to be red (and not a true green tomato when ripe), if it’s “lightened” up to a pale green than the tomato has the enzymes it needs to ripen to red. It just needs to be placed somewhere dark for a week or so. Not the fridge.

    If you want to try the Fried Green tomatoes, just leave one green tomato to ripen so you can see how long the process takes.

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