Container Gardening

Tomato transplant

This was a transplant I got from a local spot after my other one got attacked and destroyed by an opossum. Why did they prune is so much? Is it supposed to look like this? The leaves have been turning yellow/black and 2 branches have fallen off. 🙁 I have been watering enough but not too much + fertilizer. Will it even still grow?

by Wonderful_Weather_84


  1. heyitsmelxd

    Honestly, I’d rather get a healthier seedling. By the time this one gets healthy enough to produce fruit the new one would’ve already been producing. This one will also likely be stunted. They probably pruned off diseases leaves.

    If you still want to try with this one, I’d start by taking the tomatoes off, so that it can focus on growing new leaves. You can also bury it way deeper, as tomatoes can develop roots along their stem. Maybe only give 2-3in of stem and bury the rest if your container allows.

    Leave it alone for a week or two and then fertilize. If you fertilize now it might be too much and could fry the roots.

    Good luck!

  2. Cut off the tomatoes and plant everything but two leaves. Theis plant isn’t health enough to have tomatoes.

    Option 2 trash this and get another plant and fresh soil you have a leave rot. Any time you plant tomatoes cut most of the leaves and blooms. And put all but q or 3 leaves inthe diet. This gives your tomato plant a larger root system faster and you will produce more tomatoe later.

    As it grows cut off the bottom branches and leaves so that none touch the dirt.

    Good luck

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