Vegetable Gardening

Just bought my house and the old owner left this in the backyard. Where do I start?

In Los Angeles. Would like a diversity of plants but I always wanted my own tomatoes, cucumbers and berries.

by fonzi_s


  1. Figure out what plants you want and where they need to go, square foot gardening is a good method to start with. Work some compost into the soil or other ammentthat appeal to you and get to planting!

  2. If it’s your first time, go to a local nursery and get some starters. Ask questions. Grow something you’d like to eat. Maybe start with a 6 pack of easy tomatoes like cherry or roma. Pick just a couple of different things to start out with. Zucchini are easy and productive… They also grow from seed quite readily. Grow what makes you happy. If you’re unlikely to water regularly, set it up on a water timer. You might want to add a little top soil to the containers. Read a little bit about which things you want to grow.

  3. Excellent_Title6408

    Check the PH, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels

  4. SwiftResilient

    What do you like eating? For the first time I’d pick out some plants at a nursery and if you decide you enjoy it then next year scale up 🙂

  5. CentralOrgan

    With the irrigation and surrounding plants, that looks like herb garden beds. One appears to be shaded and the other a little more exposed, which could be really convenient. Herbs are well worth growing if you like flavor.

  6. CentralOrgan

    If nothing else, water it regularly and see what comes up. If you keep them you’ll have nice resilient plants to plant around with new choices.

  7. Honorable_Heathen

    That wood will clean up pretty nice if you care for that sort of thing. Can probably oil it and it will look great.

    As for the rest of the irrigation works then you’re largely set. You can check the soil and see whether it’s acidic or alkaline but really the easiest thing to do is plant things and see what happens.

  8. 54fighting

    Not saying it is anything else, but I’d like to confirm that it raw, untreated wood (which it looks to be).

  9. yensidmn

    There is also r/SoCalGardening since you’re in Los Angeles

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