
ripped the 2nd leaf in a row off my PPP by accident trying to help unfurl. I’m so upset 😭

ripped the 2nd leaf in a row off my PPP by accident trying to help unfurl. I’m so upset 😭

by darling-rae


  1. frickin_420

    Hmmm what could the POSSIBLE solution be?

  2. LankyEquipment1264

    Personally, no matter how tight a leaf bud looks, I never touch it! and I’ve rarely had any problems (in any case, I’m convinced I’d have lost more leaves by touching it than by letting it go).

  3. ShanesPhilodendrons

    Yeah, dont fuck with your plant. Leave it be

  4. General-Smoke169

    Why are you trying to help the leaves unfurl πŸ™ poor plant

  5. Desperate-Paper6034

    What made you think it needed help?

  6. Pretend-Sundae-2371

    They’ll unfurl on their own 😊 I get really impatient too but it’s so satisfying seeing it do it on its own!

  7. Hey_Nessa

    ive done this. its ok. i only help mine unfurl because if i don’t it will snap on its own trying to unfurl. it helps to just use a wet q-tip (:

  8. DanimalPlays

    Stop helping. Like, seriously, what are you doing? It doesn’t need help, it needs water and light. Just let it grow.

  9. Humble_Mulberry554

    I hate that too! πŸ˜’ mist it’s its not dry and that should help it unfurl better

  10. HighDesertJungle

    Let the plant be a plant! Don’t be so finicky with your care

  11. Cool-Technician8688

    Maybe don’t do that again and let them unfurl naturally? Or does that make too much sense?

  12. BossMareBotanical

    Allowing the leaf to unfurl naturally is your best bet. They have been doing it for millions of years, they got it πŸ˜‰

  13. haworthia_dad

    I knew the folks in this sub would lay into you when I saw the title. Sorry.

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